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kulorex Posts: 224

here is a tip for gaining all that high score in QuadraPop:

> start your music player
> minimise it
>start QuadraPop at a higher level say (6)

now here is the trick...

>>> For every next coming item, quickly press and hold ur phone's volume button to skip to the next track. This will slow the game for sometime while your phone shows d song title.
There u go folk! that's all the time you need to multiply those digits!
I've never gone far with it simply coz i don't have that much time playing QuadraPop; but if u do and it works let us know.
So far my highest score is 40,000 (ah! what a shame)! But i know with my idea i could reach the highest score! haha!
Posted: 2006-03-24 14:27:48
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citysoldier Posts: 59

Haha cheater
Posted: 2006-03-24 23:42:35
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Xugaa Posts: > 500

40 000, he he he

my highest playing it properly is 16 000 lol
Posted: 2006-03-24 23:59:46
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rockygali Posts: > 500

i tried doin it with a K750.. it wont slow down. i mean the speed for level 6 while playing music is quite slower than usual... but its not enough. and when i tried changing trax the speed is still the same.. its not slowing down..
Posted: 2006-03-25 03:37:24
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johny_dmonic Posts: 91

this would only work in w800..when you change tracks, the title of the next song is displayed in the upper area of the screen..this causes any java app to slow down..thus the won't work on the k750.. >_>
Posted: 2006-03-27 05:05:21
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jasond Posts: 408

For the record - without any cheats, my highscore is 50,370.
Posted: 2006-03-27 09:08:41
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dgilmartin Posts: > 500

My High Score screen is full with scores of 99,999, unfortuneately thats the floor in the game, you can't go over it P.S. Already a Quadrapop thread here
Posted: 2006-03-27 10:07:54
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Shelly Posts: 1

Ahhh Ladies & Mens, I - like only a handful of you out there in the www have scored 99999+++ (as we know that's the max we can score) on allll levels including level 9 which is the highest! When I finally did it - I was very chuffed but now feel that I need more of a challenge! Why would an all round damn good phone have a limitation on the highest score?!

Any recommendations on games i could down load (free if possible)?

Posted: 2006-07-01 18:58:24
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mart89 Posts: 137

my highscore so far is 84400
Posted: 2006-07-12 15:53:20
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rockdred12 Posts: 28

my highest scroe so far is 69 905, without any cheats, but ill be looking for that kind of cheat eh.....
Posted: 2006-07-14 05:01:47
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