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Silex Posts: 61

Yes it's possible to fake a number. Two years ago, I used to downloaded a SMS generator (a client one) were I could put any number. It did use the mtnsms gateway to send the messages. It did work quite well. But I don't remember the name of the software and I think that Mtnsms is dead in the meantime. But it means that technically, you can do it.
Posted: 2002-12-18 13:15:00
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2tangy Posts: 459

Hang on, you just said your boss rang the number and that it wasnt your phone that rang. So surely its that other person whose phone did ring thats causing it all Isnt it? I'o sure i've missed something here so feel free to correct me :) This post was posted from a T68i
Posted: 2002-12-18 13:22:00
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Hawky2000 Posts: 7

Ok, the story goes...

She said that I'd been sending her text messages, which at first I thought was a wind up but it appears she was serious... She gave my bos a number which she said was mine and was the number she had got the text messages off... He rang this number but it wasn't me that answered... (He can't remember the number unfortunately)

She spoke to me about it and rang a number whilst I was there and someone else answered, she said this number was mine but I didn't see it and she hung up as soon as they answered...

I don't think that anyone has realy seen the text messages and she hasn't saved them...

All the evidence seems to point to her talking out of her behind but would rather give an alternative (ie, faking a number) than calling her a liar direct... (She might not want to own up now that other people are involved...)

End of essay At least now I know that it is possible to do it...
Posted: 2002-12-18 13:29:00
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Cophia Posts: > 500

If it's really a problem her operator will have the ability to pull out all the SMS messages sent to her mobile (they are stored from the network and backed up onto tape).

If she believes that someone is making a nusience SMS then she should report it to the police - it'l also get you off the hook as they can match it to your records to see if you sent the message from your phone (don't forget there is always an audit trail, for billing if nothing else).

Posted: 2002-12-18 13:47:00
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Hawky2000 Posts: 7

Don't think it's gonna B that much of a problem.

The boss is having a word with her and if nothing else I'll get my bill in the new year which will show EXACTLY what has been sent.

I've told the boss to suggest that she speaks to the police or at least her service provider...

Thanks for any and all help given
Posted: 2002-12-18 13:50:00
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701 Posts: > 500

@ripburger: it's a sim command we call it. it contains numbers and # but i haven't used it in a long time.I can find it out again from a coleague of mine but i gotta warn u ,if ur operator doesn't support the "service", then the code is useless.I'll b back with it here or i"ll set upo a thread as soon as i find it
Posted: 2002-12-18 14:06:00
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wapchimp Posts: > 500

I have a pc programe called smart sms-u can add any number or name for the sender-even 999 This post was posted from a T68i
Posted: 2002-12-18 14:13:00
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Hawky2000 Posts: 7


Do U know NEwhere that this program can be downloaded? Or if it's small could you email me it?
Would B greatly appreciated...
Posted: 2002-12-18 14:21:00
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shithappens Posts: > 500

it would be virtually impossible to call yr number in your presence and some other bloke answers.....the only logical conclusion is that she's got a number in her phone with your name on it (but the number is not registered to you)...a clear case of mistaken ID and/or number...either that of a real whacked case of insanity.......
Posted: 2002-12-18 15:16:00
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2tangy Posts: 459

So, you and the girl was stood next to each other when she called the number. The phone that rang was NOT yours correct? (it stilled seemed confusing cos you said "it wasn't me that answered" which can be interpreted as it being your phone that rang but it was one of your mates the answered the call since you did not state it wasn't your phone)

Hate to be picky but if you're going to explain a situation then at least do it clearly
Posted: 2002-12-19 10:53:00
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