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Network operators : Europe : Minimum time to port out and back to same network?
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Daedalus85 Posts: > 500

Ah ha, I have a rival! Fight to the death!

Na, Orange is pretty good too, I've been with all the major networks apart from Vodafone (enough said lol) and their all pretty good these days.
Posted: 2008-06-29 00:35:31
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johnmcl7 Posts: 321

On 2008-06-29 00:28:02, JiSm wrote:
Or come to Orange! The future is bright ya know. I can get the mean deal... seeing as I work there... haha

Orange isn't up an option up here, I used to keep an Orange contract running when I was down in Edinburgh for off peak crossnet calls but it wasn't much use up here.

My thinking behind O2 sim-free is that with the 25 pound package (600 minutes, 1000 texts and an unlimited web bolt-on) I can properly try out the service - it's been a couple of years since I had an O2 contract which I gave up because O2 wanted a 140 pound premium for the upgrade (I wasn't spending that much on the contract) and the reception wasn't that great.

My concern is that if I port away and find in a couple of months I'd rather be on Vodafone I'll have difficulty porting the number back.

Posted: 2008-06-29 01:51:53
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Daedalus85 Posts: > 500

If you leave it a couple of months, you shouldnt have any trouble getting back onto Voda if you so choose to.
Posted: 2008-06-29 10:54:42
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Superluminova Posts: > 500

I think you'll find vodafone offer there existing customers more than new customers.


I had a customer on the old £45 Mobile BB tariff with 1GB allowance on 18 months, who had lost his data card and was due to be recommitted.

So the system allowed me to:

1: Reduce his tariff to £15pm with 3GB allowance on 12 months (saving£30pm)
2: Give him the new 7.2 usb modem FOC
3: Give him a £100 bill credit (Free broadband for just over 6 months)
4: A £30 accessories discount off any in store.

What a new customer gets:

1: £15pm for 12 months with 3GB allowance.
2: 7.2 modem costs = £119
3: No bill credit
4: No accessories discount.

So my advice would be to go to your local store and see what frontier (the system) will allow the store do for you.
Posted: 2008-06-29 12:31:11
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johnmcl7 Posts: 321

I've been to the store (three times now), I've e-mailed them online and I've phoned them - the best deal they can do is weaker than the deals they offer new customers. Apparently the problem is I don't spend much on the account as the upgrade value is based on my previous six month spending - I have a 40 pound per month tariff which means I don't spend a penny over that.

Posted: 2008-06-29 14:15:08
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Superluminova Posts: > 500

you should be able to get a good offere if your spending £40pm

Pm your details and i'll have a look in work tomorrow morning for you.
Posted: 2008-06-29 18:28:00
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johnmcl7 Posts: 321

Well, I'm wanting to go sim-only which in turn means 12 month contracts which don't seem that great and also Vodafone insist on locking you to the mobile internet after you've chosen it. Vodafone seem more geared towards 18 month contracts and handset, I've requested my PAC now to go for the o2 sim only deal which is month by month and has the flexibility to choose between the different boltons - once Vodafone has a handset I'm interested in I'll port back so I can get a decent deal on both handset and tariff.

Thanks for the offer though,


[ This Message was edited by: johnmcl7 on 2008-06-29 18:18 ]
Posted: 2008-06-29 19:16:00
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Daedalus85 Posts: > 500

Doesn't it just make more sense to look for a good deal on O2? I mean, for your £40, what is it you realistically want?
Posted: 2008-06-29 19:25:08
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johnmcl7 Posts: 321

On 2008-06-29 19:25:08, Daedalus85 wrote:
Doesn't it just make more sense to look for a good deal on O2? I mean, for your £40, what is it you realistically want?

I am going to O2 for now, my choice is the 25 pound a month simplicity tariff with the 600 minutes, 1000 texts and one free bolton. That way I have the flexibility to choose whether it's free internet or more minutes I need plus there's no 12 month contract. Vodafone's best offer was more than this with less texts, being forced with the mobile internet pack for the life of the contract while through their online section at the moment you can get pretty much the same deal *with* a handset.

Posted: 2008-06-29 20:08:40
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