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Network operators : Europe : O2's ridiculous Data charges!
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Merlyn101 Posts: 167

Has anyone noticed o2's ridiculous data charges?
In a time when all the providers are moving to limitless, free data included in there packages, O2 is just taking the P*ss!
Posted: 2008-07-08 14:42:00
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masseur Posts: > 500

are you talking about the £20 mobile broadband or the £7.50 bolt-on?

edit: or the £30 web max?

Unless I'm very much mistaken...

[ This Message was edited by: masseur on 2008-07-08 13:59 ]
Posted: 2008-07-08 14:58:22
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Muhammad-Oli Posts: > 500

Ok, here's how you are lucky:

New Zealand iPhone data plans:

How does it equate? Well $80 is roughly £30, $130 is roughly £50, and $250 is roughly £95 per month. Look at what they give you for that kind of money (you get an iPhone with it, but still its stupidly high in price).
Posted: 2008-07-08 15:08:08
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number1 Posts: > 500

I think the limits are stupid, 02 claim there £7.50 bolt-on is unlimted internet browsing when its the furthest away from unlimted at only 200mb a month, before i was with t-mobile bit more expensive at £2.50 for 5days but 40mb a day was fair i never needed anymore, 02's internet works out at 6.5mb per day which is very low and i pay £7.50 a month for this i could get unlimted broadband for a couple quid more 02 need to re think there unfair fair usage polociey or reduce the price.

[ This Message was edited by: number1 on 2008-07-08 14:27 ]
Posted: 2008-07-08 15:25:04
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JiSm Posts: 404

On 2008-07-08 15:08:08, Muhammad-Oli wrote:
Ok, here's how you are lucky:

New Zealand iPhone data plans:

How does it equate? Well $80 is roughly £30, $130 is roughly £50, and $250 is roughly £95 per month. Look at what they give you for that kind of money (you get an iPhone with it, but still its stupidly high in price).

Now thats what I call being shagged up the bum! haha (No offense to any gay people here). Man, Voda suck arse. We need more competition in NZ! That or new bosses who understand what its like having to pay these thieving prices.
Posted: 2008-07-08 19:43:46
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Muhammad-Oli Posts: > 500

Exactly. Its ridiculous. I guess they're so rich or something that they think these prices are cheap. Anyway, we're a little off topic.

Posted: 2008-07-09 02:27:01
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Merlyn101 Posts: 167

Sorry- was speaking specifically about the £30 Web Max! Thats £30 a month for 'Unlimited' data!!!!!!
Posted: 2008-07-09 03:57:44
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number1 Posts: > 500

On 2008-07-09 03:57:44, Merlyn101 wrote:
Sorry- was speaking specifically about the £30 Web Max! Thats £30 a month for 'Unlimited' data!!!!!!

i could buy a full virgin media package, phone,broadband & tv for that price.
or a full sky package. i wouldn't pay 30pound a month for internet on my phone that is just stupid.
Posted: 2008-07-09 11:33:18
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masseur Posts: > 500

agreed, and if you read the details, while the £7.50 bolt on is "unlimited" with fair use of 200mb/month, the £30 bolt on is "unlimited" with fair use of 3gb/month

surely unlimited is unlimited. how is it unlimited when even 2 of their plans have different fair use amounts. they are using the same term for two completely different meanings.

This surely fails the trade descriptions act?

but yes, its a rip off anyway. t-mob will give you 3gb fair use + 9000+ wifi hotspots in UK + 300 mins global roaming hotposts for £12/month
Posted: 2008-07-09 11:43:18
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number1 Posts: > 500

They use the term "fair usage" instead of "limited" so then they can say it's "unlimted" , i'm pretty sure it's only 02 that do this but i think 02 have the worst prices and limits thats why we complain, vodafone seem to be the only one's offering actual unlimted internet[....]abel=template10&pageID=MI_0004
i couldn't find anything about fair usage anywhere and it's quiet cheap,
complaining to 02 probley wouldn't do anything i've brought and am using the 7.50 web bolt i'm using it as normal like i did with t-mobile not sure how far 200mb a month is gonna go on a phone with hsdpa and i like to download stuff aswell.
Posted: 2008-07-09 12:33:17
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