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thami Posts: 169

Theirs only so much and "app for that" can do.... . Android is fordable and google looking i think it will beat the iphone in looks wise some thing unix is really not good at. Im sure you knew that any way Mark my words yeh android will be the clear winner with almost all phones having it !!!! I bet my life savings on this
Posted: 2009-12-15 21:47:24
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cherrymiller Posts: 8

Yeah, Iam waiting the next iphone will come out
Posted: 2009-12-18 03:06:37
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Indiandawg Posts: > 500

Ok this is my story..
In 10th Grade I don't remember which year but at the point Sony Ericsson was new in India.
I was re searching to buy my first cell phone and at that time it was NOKIA all around.
I came across Sony Ericsson and it was just new like 1 or 2 years before it got it's birth.
T200 (black) Was my first cell phone and I still remember the reason I bought was WAP !!
I always believed mobile phones are wireless technology and you could get more and more wirless functionality and now we have 4G.
At that time Nokia was very user friendly but using Sony Ericsson menus was not easy but ofcourse it needed a bit of understanding cause it's not that it's hard to understand but it was really like switching from Windows to Mac.
I really liked the functionality and features that Sony Ericsson had to offer at that point of time.
And then came T68i. It was like having Sony Ericsson X10 right now. One of the few mobile phones to have bluetooth. Awsome isn't it? and ofcourse the first Color Phone.
After that everything went quick, every company had started upgrading cell phones so fast that there were so many emerging companies with so many features and so many cell phones.
If you ask me if that's good or bad? Well I guess it's really bad. What's really happening is more and more companies are trying to get sales and not the technology.
If you really sit down and compare the technology that we have right now compared to last 10 years believe me there's not much. Ofcourse everybody has to say oh c'mon we have WIFI, MMS, Video Recording and the list just goes on and on.
To me Technology is not the list, it's how much does it help me. We have WIFI but really? in how many countries there are WIFI hot spots? MMS? really? out of 10 not even 5 people use MMS.
Well am not saying these features are useless not at all. They are great it's a generation and it had to come. It's like from SMS to MMS from WAP to 4G from bluetooth to WIMAX and then it goes on and on.

I like Technology like the Bar Code Scanner. I don't really remember who was the first one to come out but I saw it in Nokia first. Beautiful. Just take a picture and you know what's the price. We now do have it in almost many cell phones including iPhone. I really love 3G, infact I had been waiting for it since many years when I came to know about Japan and South Korea that they use 3G not only to make video calls but also to book their travelling tickets through their cell phone with the help of fast connection. What happens is through SMS you can't use your credit card while 3G makes it work for mode of payment. Well almost every!
Features and Technology must help people in their day to day life.
Having a facebook application is totally useless for me. I don't want to sit and blog all day long. I want to use features like Video Recording when I go to auto show or my friend's birthday party and use 3G while am going home to post up the pictures to show my another friend who's in another country.
Or even video calling to my friend who's in another country while I'm in a concert.

Well every Techonology and Features are +plus to every customer but it really comes down to what are you really getting out of it?

With iPhone the applications that I see now it's amazing. I can keep track what new clothes Armani Exchange have well I can buy too, that's cool right? not only that I can now track friends with some application (forgot the name) which uses iPhone compass. Well you can put yourself offline if you don't want to be tracked by anyone but let's say you are in Santa Monica and your friend is in Hollywood and you want to know where exactly he is, well just switch it on and follow.

Look guys there are so many things. I am not against any OS mobile platform but to me Windows Mobile applications does a lot like the Metro applications which keeps me updated about the metro trains in Los Angeles and infact it can give details of metro trains in all the cities around the world. Having features and more technology related to our day to day life makes our life more fun and intresting.

Before it was like Blackberry - E-mails, Windows Mobile - Office etc
Now every cell phone that I look at, it's all about fun and entertainment lol!

Talking about Android? It certainly has a long way to go, if not long? at least a year to see how does it really help? what are the best possible ways the developers can get out of Android. Regarding iPhone am excited not only because am MAC fan. Well I'm proud to be Mac fan but the cause is iPhone will definately have technology like compass in the future will help us in both ways - Great GUI and the functionality + features.

Coming to Speed. Haha it's always been the most critical part of a cell phone. We love good speed and multi-tasking in cell phones and looking at the new chips coming out, it seems like we are going to see much faster GUI in 2010.
So I won't be impressed with the hi-speed GUI of android cause tomorow and I bet, even sony ericsson will have good speed haha! well agree to this fact or not Sony Ericsson sucks at speed. I read in X10 discussion that Mediascape is bit slow? lol. Way to go SE!

Let's see what next generation iPhone has to answer to Android and WM7. It's going to be really intresting cause looking at the pace of technology, not only mobile companies but also the Qualcomm and I heard Toshiba has come out with new chip too so all together am sure WM7 is going to deliever something new too.

AND DON'T NEGLECT NOKIA. I hate Nokia personally and I hate the GUI haha! but really It can suprise in 2010. you never know.

Posted: 2009-12-18 04:47:31
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dj-striker Posts: 27

i would say the next gen i phone the current one is the best out there just apple need to allow ppl to do what they want with there phone not restrict thing like bluetooth and own ringtones / sms tones
Posted: 2010-01-09 18:43:17
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jj03 Posts: > 500

@ indiandawg. i think the word 'hate' is a bit strong isn't it? i mean, as much as you may not like it, nokia has done alot to drive mobile technology and features over the years. see the n95 as an example. as far as handset features go, things like mms, preinstalled sat nav,etc etc. they drive revenue for both the network and manufacturer. i for one, find mms very handy, and do use it. even if you don't, its nice to know you have the option to fire off a quick pic. btw, the t68i wasn't the first handset to have a colour screen..i'm pretty sure of that. there was a handset before it that launched with a colour screen. and it was much bigger than the t68i's...anyways, i think, they have reached a limit where they can keep adding new 'features' to handsets. this year, we'll see better hardware, and the race of the os's to speak. all the while hoping se sort their shit out and dazzle us with a solid all round handset...of course, the focus by nokia on 'services' will continue, as will the attention that android has gained. it has massive potential. gonna be a great year.
Posted: 2010-01-14 10:56:00
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anonymuser Posts: > 500

There was a Siemens phone before the T68i that sort of had a colour screen - but it must have been all of 16 colours if that, very much a gimmick. The T68i was the first to make a point of it, being one of the first phones to also support picture messaging, and support an (optional) camera attachment.

I have to say I've no real respect for Nokia's technology. They had what should have been an immense lead gifted to them in the form of Symbian, and they squandered it for years, embedding it in a long line of featurephones that made little if any use of its more advanced features, and crippling it with the worst available interface (S60, nothing more than a dimwitted port of S40). The Psion interfaces of early Symbian devices like the Revo and Series 5 were right up there with Apple's UI design, even UIQ2 and phones like the P800 were said to have a fan in Steve Jobs, but S60 - while easy enough to sell to the average Joe - has done nothing for the platform, and is now busy murdering it at the hands of the Symbian foundation.

More than anyone, Nokia have gifted the market to the likes of Apple, who saw the massive opportunity to do things better than the supposed "market leader", and took it.

And back on topic - go for the iPhone, you won't regret it.
Posted: 2010-01-14 11:39:55
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jj03 Posts: > 500

well..yes. you are quite correct. they have turned s60 into a floundering os. ive been with s60 since the 7650, and it's only ever had 'refinements'...
Posted: 2010-01-14 18:25:00
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