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Manufacturer Discussion : Nokia : Nokia Lumia 920 wins 2012 Engadget Awards
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tranced Posts: > 500

Engadget, one of our favorite technology sites, recently held a contest asking their readers to rank their favorite devices, ranging from TVs to phones and laptops.

To our delight, our customers and fans came through for Nokia again. The Nokia Lumia 920 – the world’s most innovative smartphone – won Best Smartphone of 2012!

The Lumia 920 won the category decisively, garnering more than 43% of the votes. For comparison, the next best phones in terms of votes only managed to get 15.5%.

Posted: 2013-02-21 14:49:27
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Bonovox Posts: > 500

Go Nokia & they are innovating
Posted: 2013-02-21 16:49:55
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julias Posts: > 500

Well deserved!
Posted: 2013-02-21 22:03:28
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Tsepz_GP Posts: > 500

Well done to them! Even though I do not agree, there are some smaller phone manufacturers doing great things like Asus with the Padfone and Transformer pad, such a shame they are overlooked.
Posted: 2013-02-21 22:19:17
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Bonovox Posts: > 500

Yeah,but it's about time Windows Phone got an award
Posted: 2013-02-21 22:30:49
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false_morel Posts: 375

That was a big blow for the Apple lovers, Engadget! They even described the readers' choice as an upset!

Although they may have been referring to the Surface RT winning tablet of the year more than the Lumia 920 win.

But with the innovations Nokia and MS delivered with this handset, I can't see why someone would vote for something else specially that all other flagships were more or less a boring upgrade to the previous generations!

Anyway, my distrust in all media outlets is growing by the day. Even those who are Nokia's and MS' side.. I can't mention one single journalist or so called mobile tech expert that is truly objective! That's why it's always good to have these forums as platforms for discussions and real end users reviews! Fanboys are always exposed and one gets real life experiences unlike those journalists who spend little time with gadgets and push their own preferences over the readers!
Posted: 2013-03-11 20:03:23
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julias Posts: > 500

Windows phone is so underated this is well deserved.

I personally feel that Android is complete rubbish the Top Mobile OS for me is iOS and then Windows phone and that's after many years of experience with a plethora of phones and devices.
Posted: 2013-03-12 09:43:16
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