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Hawk12 Posts: > 500

Xperia C has voice assistent to guide you if you want to use rear cam for selfie.
Because front cam was 0.3MP.
Of course you would not be able to listen to it in a loud environment like night club.

The problem is the fact without front cam you cant do video call.
Second screen is another screen for you to worry about breaking of another issue.

If they have dual selfie module, why 1 does not have it...?
Posted: 2019-04-25 18:22:43
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Ppl Posts: > 500

I loathe video calls, didn't think about that. Well, great excuse not to accept those I guess.

I am just speculating about XZ4. I don't think it'd have it, maybe the premium would have. But since 1 merged the P with the regular it could have had it (maybe). Why not? I'd say not enough space. The premiums were pretty large devices, 1 is just tall and has small bezels. Could be about aube too, maybe it also worked like the rear setup of the xz2p, so when they removed aube they removed dual selfie with it.

Off topic: Fold has wave-y scroll, one plus also has it according to gsmarena. And it's because of the Oled panel mounted sideways or upside down. That might be the reason 1 has a chin, instead of a large forehead like the 10s.
Posted: 2019-04-25 19:18:54
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badassmam Posts: > 500

If you take the selfie camera out then do this on the back, it'd look awesome.
Posted: 2019-04-25 21:10:49
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Ppl Posts: > 500

at 9:18 he compares samples from 1, then goes to show HDR and stabilization in low light video.

If they are not bs-ing and using s10 and the likes for the "competitor A" "competitor B" it looks like low light images will be sharper and more detailed. The low light vid stabilization is awesome! Can the recent flagships do better? It's insane, no shake and when he freezes the footage everything is in focus. Are they lying or is this already available on others? Looks great imo.

@badassmam, wouldn't it be the same as using the chrome mirror finish of the premiums? Flat mirrors generally don't match the angle of the lens but surely it would look cool.
Posted: 2019-04-25 22:25:33
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RacSony Posts: > 500

why is the benchmark score so low for SDM855?
Posted: 2019-04-25 22:42:20
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Hawk12 Posts: > 500

Was it the presentation in Taiwan?

MWC 2018 they used an iphone X to compare to xz2p.
Must be iphone again...

Not impressed by OSS. If you watch WitRigs videos when he puts phones on his bike and ride , Xperia are pretty stable while other phones have jelly footage. There is the video XZ1 or XZ2 x mate10 pro.

Sony is clever. Compare 1 against XZ3.
But avoid to put 1 against XZ2P.

I hope they fix the HDR trigger of AS.
One tree or bush is enough for the phone choose Landscape, no matter if HDR is necessary.
[ This Message was edited by: Hawk12 on 2019-04-25 22:33 ]

Posted: 2019-04-25 23:20:28
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Nevewolf Posts: 128

I saw the demo, looks way better, is the most cropped, but also the sharpest.
Competitor A must be Huawei, that stuttering on the video is so recognizable
[ This Message was edited by: Nevewolf on 2019-04-26 04:56 ]

Posted: 2019-04-26 04:12:38
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Nevewolf Posts: 128

First cameras samples (not full res yet) on this article

Link text...
Posted: 2019-04-26 06:18:43
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lewisken02 Posts: 23

This article has hi-res sample images
Posted: 2019-04-26 07:46:01
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moogoo Posts: > 500

Take it to the xperia 1 thread ... these aren't rumors!
Posted: 2019-04-26 13:19:09
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