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Sony Ericsson / Sony : Software, Firmware and Drivers : T68 MMS
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badger Posts: 169

I am getting confused. Is the T68i not just a tweaked T68 in a new SE branded case? I would think that the T68i runs on the same platform as the T68 ie same micro controller. Therefore you would expect that with the T68i having already been released on the 5th, all the code for the MMS has already been written and tested(?)!. It should also be ready for the T68 (or very nearly). what do you think?

Posted: 2002-03-06 15:11:00
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wapmanse Posts: 249

Yes, and I believe the rest is logistics and maybe the issue about the user guide....anyways i think we are close, very close.....:-) This post was posted from a T68
Posted: 2002-03-06 15:20:00
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bryanstrife Posts: 15

After monitoring this site via wap on my T68, I think the MMS software upgrade will be release upon the approval of the major Telecommunication provider. As for Singapore, SE here says that although the rumours about the MMS software might be true, they're working closely with SingTel ( Singapore's Largest Telecom provider ) for the release of the software. So I think it's the same for the others too. So at least wait for one provider that'll be able to support the new technology, otherwise, we have to wait. But personally, I think all the providers are more than ready to cope with this, only to wait for more manufacturers to produce more consumers. Now SingTel are in preparation to to cope with even 3G! Now that's worthwhile! So let us wait, and we'll be rewarded!!
Posted: 2002-03-09 19:15:00
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