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Sony Ericsson / Sony : Software, Firmware and Drivers : T68 upgrade to T68i software
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dinopio Posts: 18

I saw the new T68i on the sony site and I just wanted to ask it is possible to get the software of the T68i to work on the T68.

I am sure there arent any hardware updates on that phone, just the look and color.
Posted: 2002-03-14 15:48:00
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Cytech Posts: > 500

there will be a software release for T68m which will contain the same features as the T68i has. When it's going to be released is unknown. Tor Esben on said in a chat today (if you can read Swedish the chat can be read at,2789,143869,00.html)that it will be released this spring/summer... so we'll just have to wait.
Posted: 2002-03-14 15:58:00
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Z... Posts: 19

I was at the Cebit, yesterday, and I asked one of the rep's when the new software is to be released. He answered that it was expected around week 20.

As a followup question I asked him Why they just don't use the T68i software, since the two phones are the same in the hardware. This isn't possible due to the way the phones store files in them. The T68i is storing files like a pc doe's, was the answer.
Posted: 2002-03-17 19:23:00
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