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Wings_Talons Posts: 242

Haha, after reading the earlier trick on bluetooth.. I must tell you there is one cooler trick. Did you know that if the other persons Bluetooth is ON, you could actually listen to his conversation on the phone without him knowing it? All you have to do is activate your Bluetooth and press an eight digit number (which im sorry I can't tell you), and then viola you can listen to his conversation provided you are in the range. So its kinda like James Bond - put the Bluetooth earpiece and he won't even know you are listening.

There is one problem though - if there are more than one Bluetooth items in the vicinity - then you can't choose which persons conversation you want to hear. Im still trying to figure out how to activate the exact mobile that I want to listen into.

Posted: 2002-05-01 09:25:00
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Knut.G. Posts: 149

No you can't.

The whole point of the pairing process in bluetooth, is that whatever happens between the units is encrypted, and not the shoddy wlan encryption either. Bluetooth is built with security in mind, so I find it extremely unlikely that you will ever be able to demonstrate this.

Posted: 2002-05-01 10:26:00
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Wings_Talons Posts: 242

Tch Tch.. where there is a will there is a way! I am not going to demonstarte it coz Im too far away to do it. But hey, to let you know it is possible!

Im hoping to get a javascript working so that I can activate the exact Bluetooth I want by sending a text message. Hopefully it will work.
Posted: 2002-05-01 10:29:00
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andrew99 Posts: 254

8 digit number, in other words the pairing code. Umm this is hardly a secret.

Seems like someone is talking shit to me....

Posted: 2002-05-01 11:31:00
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Wings_Talons Posts: 242

Nope not the pairing code but from what I gather... the mobile phones being released in the market are not activated for the security though they do change their frequencies about a thousand times each second (which makes it highly difficult - not impossible to hack).

Barring this - the Bluetooth is more secure only if the other two modes is activated. In a nutshell Bluetooth comes under three different modes:

Security Mode 1: non-secure
Security Mode 2: service level enforced security
Security Mode 3: link level enforced security

We all get mobiles that are in mode-1. Companies and their mobiles + other Bluetooth gadgets get Mode-2 (and the control key lies with the service provider and the company). And mode-3 gadgets are used only by high level government agencies and can be used for legal purposes to track people etc.

I just hope I can activate my dad's WAP and order a few goodies for myself - which will be mainly comics My pocket money doesn't support my love for comics hehe
Posted: 2002-05-01 12:53:00
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JasonDeFaoite Posts: 277


Seems like someone is talking shit to me....

Yeah, big steaming pile of it, i like the part about javascript, muhahahaha
Posted: 2002-05-01 16:51:00
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Wings_Talons Posts: 242

Forget it... mez forgetting this topic right here! If you all can't appreciate people working on Ericsson vulnerablities then fine! I know what I am doing... and I will continue to do it. Just shows sharing secrets doesn't get anything back in return to you! pah!

And for heavens sake remember all software - whether computers or mobiles - need a program. And programs can be altered!

Posted: 2002-05-01 17:21:00
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oneeyejack Posts: 102

then if you really CAN do it why don't you give us the "secret code" and prove us wrong.

put up or shut up. don't just come here and run your mouth if you're not gonna prove it.

oh look, i found this secret with the headset but i'm not gonna share it with anyone else.
Posted: 2002-05-01 18:06:00
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Linkinpark17UK Posts: 372

What aload of bollox, the data will be encrpyted, only a lying bastard will say "I'm not gonna tell you the code", plus you never told us how you manage to find this out in the first place did u?
Posted: 2002-05-01 18:29:00
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arroyootje Posts: > 500

I DO believe it's possible that there are many things that we could do that we don't know of, but if you're not going to give us the magical code, then what's the point of telling us????

Hey, I can make your phone turn in to P800. But you need a 24 digit code... sorry, can't tell you though.... lots of luck finding it!

Posted: 2002-05-01 18:45:00
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