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jcwhite_uk Posts: > 500

But the V800i is closer function wise. If SE japan make a flip with 1.3mp camera doesnt mean it is like the v800 (ok bad example as they have v802se, but you get my meaning).
Posted: 2005-08-14 23:39:34
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goldenface Posts: > 500

@JC. Yes but the S700 is a GSM version of the very successful Japanese so505i. The S700 is an example of a Japanese model adapted and relaunched in the West.

A wise move as the S700 was highly acclaimed when (eventually) launched. Both have large 2.2" TFT screens and a swivel format.

It was redesigned and given a new UI because tastes were different and the Japanese phone was obviously older.

I thought the W31s would similarly be adapted. But Alas it was not to be.

This message was posted from a S700

[ This Message was edited by: goldenface on 2005-08-15 11:20 ]
Posted: 2005-08-15 00:01:12
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TGP Posts: 30

Any news on P910 replacement?
Posted: 2005-08-23 15:25:00
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TGP Posts: 30

sorry...that was a little impolite. I meant 2 say..."please does anyone have any news on a replacement 4 d P910.
Posted: 2005-08-23 15:28:00
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jcwhite_uk Posts: > 500

Have a look here:
Its still rumours.

Posted: 2005-08-23 15:32:53
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Kryptik Posts: > 500

I just hope the firmware on the P910 is thoroughly de-bugged before it's released. It certainly becomes tedious having to read post after post all moaning about the same thing on these new SE releases. One hopes that SE gets it right sometime...
Posted: 2005-09-23 14:50:00
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cpblu Posts: 6

I think most of the se phones have firmware issues especially the cingular branded ones(ie s710a) and getting firmware upgrades is left basically up to the owner of the phone, unless you wait for cingular to upgrade it eventually and then send your phone in on a warranty exchange I understand it is much easier to get firmware upgrades in europe
Posted: 2005-11-19 03:23:05
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