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Luke-the-magic-man Posts: > 500

On 2005-09-09 17:19:04, david1975 wrote:
you might mock it but nokia rules when it cmes to sheer volume of phones and designs se need to do the same to keep up

they may have alot of designs, but only 1% are any good lol

achually thinking of something nokia are a bit like leaches, they cant come up with any origianl designs, so they copy another brand (cough samsung), so prehaps we should say "new nokia quality design, based on samsung"

p.s. phone looks a bit crappy (bit thick), may have been ok if it didnt look like a slideing brick lol,
Posted: 2005-09-16 18:28:30
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methylated_spirit Posts: > 500

Yeah, they have the cheek to basically copy other manufacturers designs, after they tried to sue someone because they brought out a phone that had marginal similarities to their own! Cant remember who it was. That thing in the picture reminds me of their first 3g phone. Dull, unattractive, and huuuuge.
Posted: 2005-09-20 12:25:39
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Super G Posts: > 500

7650 was the first slider I ever saw on GSM market...
Posted: 2005-09-20 12:46:45
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methylated_spirit Posts: > 500

7650, i think thats it
Posted: 2005-09-20 12:49:03
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Zokk Posts: 1

People, people... Slider design is Siemens patent and Samsung copied and developed that concept. Siemens SL 10 was THE first slider phone indoduced ages ago folowed by SL11, SL55, 65 etc. By the way, if spec of N80 is like N90's, it'll be a smashing device but only with stronger procesor...
Posted: 2005-09-22 21:58:16
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Quintessence Posts: 35

I agree that this phone isn't for me, but maybe we shouldn't be so dismissive of everything Nokia, they're doing somethings right after all to take such a large share of the market. Although a E/SE fan through and through, I don't mind other brand phones, and certainly don't hate them with a passion

Posted: 2005-09-25 13:40:37
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Falcon786 Posts: 139

i dont hate nokia i just hate the way people carry on like nokia is the only decent phone.that was true when the 6110 knocked the socks off everything in it's time,but not anymore!they should wake up and smell technology! This message was posted from a WAP device
Posted: 2005-09-25 14:04:36
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mib1800 Posts: > 500

ironically, if you want a 3G/EDGE+smartphone, there is only nokia .
Posted: 2005-09-26 10:51:18
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dgilmartin Posts: > 500

I'm Sure I've seen one of these before....

Posted: 2005-09-26 11:08:14
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R34GTR Posts: 82

The N80, doesn't look too good. Are the Specs like the N90 though.

[ This Message was edited by: R34GTR on 2005-10-21 17:34 ]
Posted: 2005-10-21 18:30:14
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