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amnesia Posts: > 500

between the two I'd choose the N70.
More functions and features.
However when it comes to the W900 thats a different question
I'd go for that.

Sound quality via the speaker is EXCELLENT! I mean at max volume (which is VERY loud)

Using the headset the sound is above average. I do not have a good headset to use with it (actually i dont have an adapter) so I can't give a very good comparison.
Posted: 2005-10-30 18:53:57
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PeterKay Posts: > 500

Nice review bruv.

Posted: 2005-10-30 18:56:18
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phsychomantis Posts: 146

if you consider price/performance ratio this is a perfect phone . deifnitely worth getting.
Posted: 2005-10-30 19:03:46
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JSteeman Posts: 26

Has anyone used TomTom Mobile on it. I have tested it on 3 devices even with different software version. They all crashed after several minutes. In fact the Bluetooth stack has crashed and the device coudn';t find any bluetooth ahrdware. Only a hard reboot (power on/off) re-enabled it.
Afterwards I have tried it with an older version of TomTom, the same results. Changing the GPS mouse to another brand or replacing the memory card with a card from another vendor didn't change anything. I can't use the N70 for navigation, the question is why?
Posted: 2005-10-30 19:19:36
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BobaFett Posts: > 500

qdicky nice link, thx. @amnesia first impressions according batt after some days of usage?
Posted: 2005-11-01 20:52:01
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amnesia Posts: > 500

still on it's first charge since the review with below average usage (but alot of playing with)
my settings are medium backlight, no vibrate, bluetooth on half the time, and medium volume.
it's making that no battery noise though, but it's been doing that for 1 hour now
Posted: 2005-11-02 10:45:28
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BobaFett Posts: > 500

6680 was pretty fast at usage ( menu, watching pix etc ) is n70 the same?
Posted: 2005-11-02 21:22:27
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amnesia Posts: > 500

overall it's fast, but it seems to me that displaying large images via the gallery if it's on the memory card takes a bit of time.
Posted: 2005-11-02 22:02:36
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BobaFett Posts: > 500

could u pls post here a close pic of the screen quality? tia i would go for n70, but the screen was disappointing in 6680 according resolution as i metioned already, thats my only fear in this fone aswell, what wouldnt make me to get it.
Posted: 2005-11-02 22:05:21
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amnesia Posts: > 500

if you look at the pics in the first post you'll see I took a couple of pics close up. If I go any closer, the pixels will be too big and you wont be able to judge it very well.
Posted: 2005-11-03 02:45:52
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