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General discussions : Product reviews : W810i Pivot Silicon Case - Mini Review (with photos!
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BlacK Devil Posts: 276

no ... there's no cover over the lense or the screen or the d-pad ..

Posted: 2006-06-09 18:10:50
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amnesia Posts: > 500

thank you for the review.

Spread the word about Kat and her great rubbers.
Posted: 2006-06-12 00:35:00
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maryus51 Posts: 112

I don't like that case.. Mannn , what's the point of using it ? ... Plus that it burries the cool design of the fone. Maybe for kids ... If you want to protect the fone , you shold thinking of a case that covers camera too , and the display. SE has such accesories.
Posted: 2006-07-19 20:27:08
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hottnikkz Posts: 9

Thanks for the review as I am looking for a good case. PivotHK - Might there be one available that covers the D-Pad? Thank's a lot.
Posted: 2006-07-31 04:00:02
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solja786 Posts: 161

i dont like any of the silicon cases..cuz none of em have protection for the screen...i can live wid a couple of scratches in some other place but scratches on the screen are unacceptable..(IMO)
Posted: 2006-07-31 08:57:51
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hottnikkz Posts: 9

On 2006-07-31 08:57:51, solja786 wrote:
i dont like any of the silicon cases..cuz none of em have protection for the screen...i can live wid a couple of scratches in some other place but scratches on the screen are unacceptable..(IMO)

Yeah that's why I usually get one of those non glue reusable screen proptectors. They come cut out to the shape of your screen and then put the silicone skin over it. Now my only concern in the camera lens as well as my above mentioned post.
Posted: 2006-07-31 15:26:47
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jmgmike73 Posts: 9

i would recommend a 'invisible shield' instead of a wrap like this.
Posted: 2006-08-22 19:36:43
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