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axxxr Posts: > 500

I can see why this phone was selling over 4000 units a week in korea...very classy design.
Posted: 2006-05-04 10:58:55
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amawanqa Posts: > 500

@ amnesia,
Just out of curiosity, what camera do you use to take these great hi-res pics?
Posted: 2006-05-04 11:04:48
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amnesia Posts: > 500

hey there, I usually use the Sony T9 or the Sanyo Xacti HD1, but I usually take the pics at 3 MP only. I personally think my photos look a bit blurry (because my hand isn't that stable). The t9 is a 5.1mp and the hd1 is a 5mp which can go up to 10mp extrapolated.

oh and I think the 128 and 1.3mp camera on the phone are good enough.
The pics it took were very awesome (or at least on the screen they were) and I'll be using this for calling and texting and showing off rather than for it's specs.
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[ This Message was edited by: amnesia on 2006-05-04 10:54 ]
Posted: 2006-05-04 11:53:24
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Superluminova Posts: > 500

So how much does one of these wee candy bars set you back sim free then?

and as for vodafone having it, theres nothing in the pipeline about this as far as i'm aware
Posted: 2006-05-04 12:05:52
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amnesia Posts: > 500

no I didn't mean Voda had is or is going to have it, it was just a sarcastic remark, since they seem to snatch all the white phones these days.

Sim free it's 270 at the CPW.
Posted: 2006-05-04 12:07:28
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amnesia Posts: > 500

Alright, here's what I've noticed I hate so far.
You have preset sms message ringtones.
The preset sms tones are barely audible. (The vibrator is louder than them).
Phone goes onto keypad lock when speaking and there is no option to switch it off. (obviously because the buttons are touch sensitive.)
The charger is up top which I don't particularly like.
fairly low speaker.
Keypad backlight is a bit too faint, but still clear.

Here's what I like.
So far the battery is going strong.
Great screen.
Loud ringtones.
strong vibrator.
Feels perfect.
Today I had 4 girls come up to me and say that the phone was great.
(either it's a woman's phone or it's a puller , I prefer the latter)
Lovely red glow.
Bluetooth has a long distance.

More as I notice it. It's the SMS issue that pisses me off. I never hear the texts arriving.
Posted: 2006-05-04 20:15:20
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smilerthe cheshirecat Posts: > 500


Is it possible to change the SMS alerts to MP3s?

And if so....are they any louder than the presets?

My young lady says she thinks its cute... hehehe )
Posted: 2006-05-05 17:38:10
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amnesia Posts: > 500

no it's not.
Only 4 presets available.

I have come to the conclusion that it's my phone that is faulty.

It has restarted, screen flickering and signal dropping.
I exchanged it once because the first one made a cackling noise from the receivers end.

Going to try to replace it tomorrow and then I give up.
Posted: 2006-05-05 21:37:00
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amawanqa Posts: > 500

Oh dear...not so sweet like Chocolate then.
Hopefully third time lucky when you exchange it.
Posted: 2006-05-05 21:55:35
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pow1990 Posts: 277

and when u do could u post some video clips from the choccy i wana see quality. tnx

Posted: 2006-05-05 22:45:24
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