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pinolo77 Posts: 390

Sony Ericsson...

First they used "Walkman" brand for phones, then they used "Cybershot" brand for phones. Now that the public asks for stylish design, what will they use?
"Sony Style"
or maybe, in the near future, the "Vaio" brand for the PDA-like models?

I think Sony as a whole produces some nice design and maybe they should put some into good use in a phone.
Phones do pretty much all the same stuff (some better and others worse) and design is becoming increasingly important as a choice criteria among users.

I would love to see the first "Sony Ericsson Vaio Design" phone of some sort coming out...
Posted: 2006-05-24 13:14:10
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(An)Dante Posts: 147

FASHION and PREMIUM segment is a must. There are real demand for stylish and elegant phones. For example the production cost of a Nokia 8800 is not so mutch higher comaperd to the 6230i however it has a three times higher price. This premium model causes extremely high profit for Nokia what can be used for Research purposes. Sony Ericsson compeletly lacks these kind of devices however there would be high demand for a stylish stainless steel phone with luxurious design..
Posted: 2006-05-24 14:42:36
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shaliron Posts: > 500

Another update, and (I think) comfirmation of the existance of a fahion mobile that is yet to be released by Eldar.

I was reading through the W710's review again, and during the themes section while he was talking about the FemaleLine theme he said this.

On the other hand FemaleLine is worth of attention, as it transfigures the phone into a feminine clamshell (it seems this theme will be ruling in a handset, which is still to be announced) : it provides a completely different way of menu outlook, re-shaped icons, all in all it’s definitely worth checking out.

EDIT: And before anyone tells me off for copying se-nse, I didn't! I only just read it, and it just so happened that our posts look identical! Spare me from plagarism
A wooden spoon is a spoon made from wood.
Source: Wikipedia

[ This Message was edited by: shaliron on 2006-05-27 07:33 ]
Posted: 2006-05-27 08:10:27
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shaliron Posts: > 500

I guess this is it then:
Posted: 2006-08-22 10:55:37
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victorh017 Posts: 379

I can also be seen here:[....]10__3g_with_style-news-211.php

Posted: 2006-08-22 12:31:50
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