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Mr Miyagi Posts: > 500

yeah it has lol
Posted: 2008-01-11 21:01:02
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danarc Posts: 36

that's good news lol
Posted: 2008-01-11 21:09:12
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danarc Posts: 36

back to the point. how is o2?
Posted: 2008-01-11 21:14:09
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Mr Miyagi Posts: > 500

On 2008-01-11 21:14:09, danarc wrote:
back to the point. how is o2?

It has the biggest customer base in the uk than all the other uk networks. And may be launching some tariffs end of this month that's going to be blowing all the other networks away.
Posted: 2008-01-11 21:21:02
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danarc Posts: 36

how is the customer services and the signal?
Posted: 2008-01-11 21:41:02
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Mr Miyagi Posts: > 500

customer service is good, its all UK based, they don't have any staff outside the UK. Signal as I said to you before in the previous post, you need to go onto the o2 website, and put in your postcode in the network coverage section of the website, to find out what your coverage is like. We wont know here, we can tell you what our own coverage is like, but won't know your area, unless you check yourself, or if you give us the post code we can check for you.

edit: go here:

and follow the instructions then you can check your coverage.

[ This Message was edited by: Mr Miyagi on 2008-01-11 21:03 ]
Posted: 2008-01-11 21:56:45
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upper Posts: > 500

On 2008-01-11 20:36:29, Daedalus85 wrote:
Thats now incorrect.

As from January 1st, as stated in the small print in the brochure and on the website, video calls no longer come out of your free minutes.[....]ic=128596&start=15#post2220157
Posted: 2008-01-11 22:39:36
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ben0667 Posts: 80

i wouldnt rely to much on the postcode coverage map as my sister checked her postcode and it said good coverage but shes lucky to get one bar signal, i checked where i live and it says 3g coverage which is wrong i dont get 3g at all, but i do get a full gsm signal all the time and i mean full!
Posted: 2008-01-12 03:00:00
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rhybo Posts: 25

I'm hearing rumours that 02 will include free data on all their tarifs soon? Anyone else have any info on that?

This message was posted from a K800i
Posted: 2008-01-12 03:58:36
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Daedalus85 Posts: > 500

Ah, ok, thanks for that, I'll be having a closer look next time I'm at work

And they already do give you inclusive data, just not much.

All tariffs that are £30/month and under give you 100kb, the £35/month and above give you 512KB. The online contracts give you 1MB.
Posted: 2008-01-12 20:49:23
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