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Manufacturer Discussion : Nokia : Nokia X6 Dust in Screen
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Bonovox Posts: > 500

Yes you have the right to get Nokia to sort it out. Open up the phone put proper sealings around the screen and get a mini vac inside. Its obviously an x6 problem cos still so far i have no dust under my Nokia screen.
Posted: 2010-04-23 16:58:00
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Marly Posts: > 500

Our two N97's don't have any probs with dust either, one of them is only two months old, but the other one is seven months.
I remember, some of the first 5800XM's also had dust under their screens, we've bought ours a few months later and it never had any dustproblems.
Posted: 2010-04-23 17:27:27
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Miss UK Posts: > 500

Ive seen many people on forums with the same problem too,
tomorrow ive gotta go and waste my time feeling embarrised moaning about dust to
vodafone im not happy,

I think the dust is getting in thru the on and off button,
as it seems to start of in the cornerthe the bigger bits make it to the middle,
thing is you can see them more clearley on a white screen they show up black, looking like dead pixels lol

im not slagging the phone of I think it's got a amazing battery life as it lasts me all week without a charge!
Vodafone have said send it in for repair anyway so i'll do that tomorrow...

why can't bloody phones work fault free nowadays,
there driving me mad and wasting my time lol when i could be doing something heaps better GRRRR!

Ps, ive also sent a email to Nokia on this and have stated they need to know of this problem lol

Posted: 2010-04-23 18:13:41
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Bonovox Posts: > 500

Kerry love just go do it dont even think about being embarrassed. Its your right you have signed a contract and as far as i read here its a bad manufacturing fault. You have rights to change it or have repaired. I never put up with poor shit from what i buy or what a store tells me. Maybe its like Sony Ericsson phones certain manufacturing weeks have bad poor workmanship and that my dear is what is stated in warranty. I know a guy on radio wm here on his consumer show and believe me he knows an amazing amount of things the average consumer does not. He sorts out many many problems and has embarrassed many companies.
Posted: 2010-04-23 18:24:00
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Miss UK Posts: > 500

Okidoke so i'll sort it out tomorrow then
Nokia have done a phone like yours in a N97 style have you seen it ?

it's a Nokia C6 it's on there website
Posted: 2010-04-23 18:29:53
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Bonovox Posts: > 500

Yes i did. Its not all bad the x6 is good phone perhaps if people shout about it enough to Nokia they will sort the fault on future handsets. My Nokia still zero dust. Remind them that your in a contract stuck with this for many months to come. The goods are not satisfactory and the dust inside the screen should not be there and it spoils the display. If that were my phone i always get my way in shops.
Posted: 2010-04-23 18:33:00
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Miss UK Posts: > 500

lol I sent them a Email 1 hr ago and they have responded already!

Dear Kerry,

Thank you for contacting Nokia Care.

In response to your email, we value your constructive feedback. While we can appreciate the dismay expressed in your correspondence, we can assure you that Nokia prioritize and understand the support required by our customers. The comments you have made will not go unnoticed and we will strive to ensure that every effort is made to assure our customers of the level of commitment available.

In this case, we suggest having the phone assessed by a qualified technician at a Nokia Care Point to check whether a repair is required and advised if this may be covered under warranty.

Posted: 2010-04-23 18:52:55
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Bonovox Posts: > 500

Typical I bet that was an automatic email by the system Sony Ericsson did that to me
Posted: 2010-04-23 19:02:39
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Miss UK Posts: > 500

lol did you send them a threatening message?
Posted: 2010-04-23 19:08:43
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Bonovox Posts: > 500

No I just said when will new firmware be out for the Elm before it was nicked.
Posted: 2010-04-23 19:13:34
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