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NoobLeecher Posts: -1

Perseus your PC is the ish dawg! How much did you buy it for? Or did you ugrade it bits by bits?
Posted: 2011-03-26 12:25:52
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Perseus Posts: 1

Built it.

Hardware alone came to 10k. but knowing people that know people, they gave me it for 7k so pretty much a bargain.
Posted: 2011-03-26 12:31:50
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b0ng0s Posts: 216

"2Tb Hd, 8GB Ram, i7 CPU @ 2.97Ghz, Gigabyte Radeon HD 5750 1 GB Graphics Card - PCI Express" hai hai SEND A SREENSHOT OF YA PC EXPERIENCEINDEX BRO. "2Tb Hd, 8GB Ram, i7 CPU @ 2.97Ghz, Gigabyte Radeon HD 5750 1 GB Graphics Card - PCI Express" hai hai SEND A SREENSHOT OF YA PC EXPERIENCEINDEX BRO.
Posted: 2011-03-26 12:44:01
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NoobLeecher Posts: -1

Now that the genius guys say is a fluke, please guys share free net info phela. I was about to give this guy or girl my email. @Perseus, Voodo, and Sitnet please help me out
Posted: 2011-03-26 12:52:13
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1gn1t0r Posts: 10

The Following networks have been hacked.
-Cell C

True that, but not by you.

"How oh How is this Possible?"

No one cares

You could say it's a new "protocol"

You know a protocol is a convention for data transfer right ?

you will then need to download the OS that I've Integrated Multiple Network Modifications on.

Please name these modifications

You're gonna up frying your CPU, Main-board, and anything connected to your Ports.

Impossible, as pointed out by TounsJ and Sitnet

If you are still willing to communicate rationally please tell me which modifications you claimed to make.

Oh yeah and Perseus, you type a lot like HSPA btw. If you defended him more people would start assuming you were the same person.


Either HSPA is the Next Einstien


if you Install My OS with out the Minimum

Notice the use of improper capitalization in both cases.

I'm just saying...
Posted: 2011-03-26 15:50:08
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Genieas Posts: 17

cum on guys give HSPA a chance, maybe we can milk em without detection NON-STOP
Posted: 2011-03-26 18:37:13
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Perseus Posts: 1

On 2011-03-26 15:50:08, 1gn1t0r wrote:

Oh yeah and Perseus, you type a lot like HSPA btw. If you defended him more people would start assuming you were the same person.


Either HSPA is the Next Einstien


if you Install My OS with out the Minimum

Notice the use of improper capitalization in both cases.

I'm just saying...

Lol, So just cause I type in full all the time, I'm another user?
What if HSPA is you? and you're pulling all this as a gimick to sniff out the real methods?

I'm just entertaining the guys/chicks post - No Harm in a little spirit.
Perhaps He or She does have a new way to connect to networks in South Africa?

I will never ever throw out a ludacris idea without giving it significant logical and illogical consideration.

Perhaps that's one of the reason that I don't share stuff (easily).

I already know Mtn, VodaCom, Cell C, 8ta has been "hacked" though I am not a "hacker"

I don't use zero-rated sites (any more) maybe 3 years ago? sure but now - Technology has become apart of my DNA.

using 3 famous applications (names won't be mentioned) which I reversed engineered to build my own "source code" and emulator - I can access the net for however long and download however much data I desire, on whichever network using only two tools (under 30MB).

So It really doesn't matter what you or others think - unlike people sniffing the web for software that doesn't do what you want...
I already created my own, and its not a new operating system, like HSPA's modified version (which is 4.9GB's - Don't know who else downloaded it) But you know my actual download speed with a normal K3565 modem.

Sooooooooooo if your conspiracies aid you to sleep better tonight by all means accuse away, but remember at the end of the day - I'm the one with lightening fast net, Three point Five G, Yes you read right, 3.5G Internet across Mtn, Vodacom, CELL C, and 8ta.

and last but not least.

Genieas wrote:

maybe we can milk em without detection NON-STOP

If Vimaks post is true? We're the only two users "Presence" that is unknown to the respective networks.

and just an update for those who have faith in HSPA - That operating system is not windows 7, it has windows 7 look and skin, but internally thats not windows, probably ubuntu or mac, or both? possibly a blend of all? LOL

What I do know is that its some sort of multi-platform operating system.

Mock it or Rock it? - Users choice.
Posted: 2011-03-26 21:09:31
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Trevorian Posts: -2

Is it april already?Oh u 2 days early.
[ This Message was edited by: Trevorian on 2011-03-29 15:58 ]

Posted: 2011-03-29 16:57:25
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DRUiD_ Posts: 0

Posted: 2011-03-30 06:32:36
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Perseus Posts: 1

Hahaha - My post counter finally turned to 1.
Posted: 2011-03-30 15:05:46
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