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Supa_Fly Posts: > 500

As I recall back in 2007 not a lot of tablets had 1024x768; it was 1024x600 = BB PlayBook, Moto's, Samsungs ALL had the lower resolution initially to compete with the iPad as it was announced first (although others, except PlayBook) shipped before launch.

Yes ... there is not a lot of major hardware changes but you ALL are thinking WINDOWS PC thought process and still don't get it. It's how you USE the tech that counts and how much of it you can use:

1. GarageBand - up to 4 simultaneous wifi local collaboration.
^ this is NOT a small feet as developers will go NUTS on this - think Whiteboard apps over an LTE/3G network beyond just 4 but 24.
2. Quality lens architecture; thank you Sony!
3. Graphics performance boost: best games on any tablet/smartphone platform BAR-NONE; proven as Nintendo is seriously hurting sales and the PS Vita is a HUGE jump vs previous PS Portable units obviously hurt by Apple iOS app sales.
4. NO other tablet has this resolution, nor will ship with it in less than 30days!!
5. Those in education in the USA and now starting in Canada, Germany, Japan are taking SERIOUS looks at iPad as the new tool/delivery model!

Guys ... this is NOT the PC market, specs are not everything here. Think beyond the wet box ... Apple knows their market and thus far Android with all manufacturers haven't begun to touch iPad's marketshare (USA/Global). They honestly should've last year but its taken much longer than they where able to in the smartphone market.
Posted: 2012-03-08 02:24:12
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Supa_Fly Posts: > 500

@Miss UK,

I'm curious ... if you're mind will change when the following occurs in the future:
Powerful Mobile CPU/GPU's exist to equal anything a full 15" laptop can do?
Already multiple keyboards exists,
When applications exist to write, edit, decode/code, and author new apps exist,
When carrying a laptop to do .. well REAL work, cannot last as long as a tablet can with wireless radios enabled with keyboard/stylus entry is just as rapid?
When the wireless keyboard has the USB/SD Slot connections, and can read/write the data from those to the main tablet?
When all the more powerful computational work is in a freely or extremely cheaply accessible (access to, unlimited bandwidth, decently set access time rates 12/24hrs vs 1wk/1mth) cloud servers where the data you need can easily be saved/backed up/shipped to you and YOU & YOU alone own the full rights to your data (records of full purge on request)?

MANY in the late 80's, heck even in 91 thought the LAPTOP was a gimmick, a joke with 2hrs max battery life, horrible storage capabilities: I was around when 512K/1.44MB/10GB/40GB/120GB HDD storage was the norm!!

right now we're seeing easily created, powerful, and much more unique and engaging applications being available on Tablets (regardless of the OS) being deployed much better than the desktop/laptops we own today. The REALLY key part is: Touch-typing is becoming a thing of the past. With the huge explosion of Tablets going to all levels of education, will pen-manship also go the way of the dodo?! GASP!
Posted: 2012-03-08 03:34:10
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chunkybeats Posts: 497


You clearly must work for Apple with all them comments. If you like Apple products thats fine but dont come on here trying to brainwash people. Consumers can make up their own mind what they want. I dont want Apple, why? choice! Looking at iOS there is NO and I mean NO customisation whatsoever! Pre smartphone days we all loved to add themes, changed how are phones behaved and looked. All you can do with an iproduct is a cover / skin. Nothing more...... to not be able to have the freedom to do that alone already puts me straight off Apple already. Then there is itunes the biggest fck up on the planet when it comes to syncing and most of all the lack of a removable memory. I am now disappointed with Sony's directon omitting sd card slot and really its a bit mistake. Good luck with your product but please do not preach on here, go to your i forums for that!! Thank you!
Posted: 2012-03-08 08:45:55
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AbuBasim Posts: > 500

On 2012-03-08 02:22:13, laffen wrote:
Everything from setting the price right, releasing the products in only one country (Iphone) before slowly shipping to other markets. This is all about letting the dealers and network operators feeling exclusive and lucky enough to be allowed to sell Apple products. It's all part of a very, very clever plan. And they have succeeded so far

Not enough to convince the network operators in my country (Oman). We have two: a government-owned and a private. Neither of them are offering Apple products. Why? Because of the big cut Apple wants. All iPhones sold here are grey market imports from elsewhere; Australia, China, UAE, etc. Our government-owned operator are aware of this to such an extent that they have published apps in Apple iTunes store for paying bills, etc. Still they're refusing to offer subsidised iPhone because of the popularity of this phone because they would not be able to eat the whole cake themselves but would have to give a huge slice to Apple.
Posted: 2012-03-08 09:05:50
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Supa_Fly Posts: > 500

On 2012-03-08 08:45:55, chunkybeats wrote:

You clearly must work for Apple with all them comments. If you like Apple products thats fine but dont come on here trying to brainwash people. Consumers can make up their own mind what they want. I dont want Apple, why? choice! Looking at iOS there is NO and I mean NO customisation whatsoever! Pre smartphone days we all loved to add themes, changed how are phones behaved and looked. All you can do with an iproduct is a cover / skin. Nothing more...... to not be able to have the freedom to do that alone already puts me straight off Apple already. Then there is itunes the biggest fck up on the planet when it comes to syncing and most of all the lack of a removable memory. I am now disappointed with Sony's directon omitting sd card slot and really its a bit mistake. Good luck with your product but please do not preach on here, go to your i forums for that!! Thank you!

I do NOT work for Apple. I've been a member on these boards longer than YOU have so don't ever accuse me of trying to brainwash ppl. EVERYONE is entitled to an opinion and I've backed mine up.

Sales matter - Apple has proven that ... no other competitor regardless of OS has done half as close as Apple has, not even Microsoft with their earlier WinCE products! I NEVER said Apple started the market for Tablets because they did NOT - and if I did THEN I'd be brainwashed/washing ppl.

The key point that the competitors STILL haven't done yet is to make the technology useful for what users need & to create new segments within the market to gain traction.

Ppl make up their own mind ... and clearly their purchase the iPad over anything else in droves - why?! Because it continues to grow with their needs beyond the initial purchase point. Don't point ignorant finger(s) because you don't like Apple - or because you don't like the product; but you cannot deny their success and worth.

Customization is NOT the ONLY part of Choice!
1. Yes Themes where/are great (I miss this on my iPhone)
- I can choose to jailbreak and get many of the things I enjoyed on S60/UIQ/J2ME SE devices I've owned before
- I could choose another device, like another OS (Android) but this affects me differently than you.
2. Applications - for smartphones there is NO OTHER EQUALIZER!
- the full breadth of quality apps both corporate or personal in various fields continues to grow & improve. Not even Symbian ever had this many choices - Android either has equaled or surpassed S60/Symbian/UIQ in the number & powerful apps.
3. Ringtones - this is where I'm pissed about iOS; I cannot even begin to explain my frustration here.
- you recall for both themes/ringtones ... Nokia started both and the market charged an arm-&-leg for it; Apple is doing the same for ringtones.

If you read most of my recent posts in the last 3mths you'll see my large interest in owning Xperia S or the Ion for various reasons; primarily the UI resembles the simplicity of iOS. Unlike many others (especially those still in school) I don't have time to fiddle with endless configurations like I used to, my job is way to busy where i need to focus on servers, laptop, VOIP phone configurations, new user accounts/deletes/migrations, mobile device provisioning, various server fields and application installations. As you can see I don't much time to fiddle with my own device - just use various functions but I need efficiency.

Next time search a users posts before blantantly claiming their ignorance, please.

Posted: 2012-03-08 18:56:30
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nicv27 Posts: > 500

On 2012-03-07 21:24:28, chunkybeats wrote:
yawn another similar product to the iphone 4s, seriously how long can you keep bringing out tiny updates to your products, people will finally catch on and go elsewhere. Windows 8 does look exciting though!

I'd like to agree with you but their recently released sales figures say differently..... And before I get tarred with the "Apple Fan boy" brush... Yes I have an iPad 2 but my phone is a htc sensation XL
Posted: 2012-03-08 19:03:09
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etaab Posts: > 500

As many of you may have read this past year im quite critical of Apple, but i still think this new iPad will be the best all round tablet.

I dont think tablets can be used productively as well as a proper pc, laptop or notebook. But, where they excel is simplicity. I would buy this new iPad if i had the money, id buy one for my mother too as they're very good at doing what they do and not trying to do anything more.

For example, a tablet is much easier to take with you on the go, its easier to use on the go and easier to pick up and put down when you're doing other tasks. Also, with no moving parts like a laptop's hard drive you can slam them about more without worrying you'll damage it or lose data.
Posted: 2012-03-08 20:03:18
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chunkybeats Posts: 497


Its nothing to do with sales figures Im talking about someone else setting the standards not Apple! With Microsoft they have great track record and if they have a fluid intergration between PC windows & Tablet Windows (Windows , then its a no brainer for me. I have had went through so many os's (Started with Amiga OS back in 1990!, then mac, windows, iOS and now android). Out of all them the Amiga OS was sooooooo way ahead of its time, more than mac and windows put together, its just a pity Commodore went bust!) If the Amiga OS was used now and been developed a little more it would seriously kick Apples & Microsofts a$$es!


I wasnt intending to offend you, I just think tablets in general have still got a long way to go. I understand your laptop statement and you are right, but with the kind of work I do (Im an Architectural Technician, using AutoCAD etc) and really using a tablet for that is pointless. Its not accurate and fiddly. Thats why with android it supports usb mouses but again the Autodesk app for iOS and Android is still useless and not a proper working program. So really i will be in laptop land for a lot longer until someone develops the tablet so it can be used for all functions and not just entertainment. I really do think you cant completely replace the mouse, its just an easier extension when coming to do accurate work, tablets are good for browsing, playing around etc.

As for technology in general, it is too far ahead in terms of what you can do, but nobody and i mean no one has been using them to their full potential, maybe the app providers need to work more on streamlining their products and make them PC like. Also what i really hate with any manufacturer is their laws with file sharing / file extensions. I do like how Android lets you share your files with others through bluetooth, same again with phones before smartphones became popular. Apple sersiouly annoys me with their restrictions, and having to jailbreak at all just to do some things Android can do really puts me off. I can see what Apple are trying to do and it does have its Strengths in terms of a safe environment but again, Im sorry to say this but piracy will always win. Why? because criminals are always one step ahead in any crime (well except for the dumb ones who get busted hehe!). No one will ever be able to combat piracy, its always a problem and it will continue to do so. Sorry thats the modern world i think!

Good luck to Apple but really they need to add an extra dimension to their products, something that makes everyone feel like we can relate to them. Not their interface but the ability to customise is a must, even if its just simple theming and ringtones, but then according to Apple there is money to made in that. Thats just not fair. Its like oh i want to change my t shirt today, i have 5 shirts already so i will just change them but with Apples policy its i have 5 tshirts already i need to buy another one to replace this tshirt. You understand?

If Apple want to preach to the masses, do it with an affordable product, something that people can afford and experience. We all dont live in a westernised world and Apple are American through and through with their world domination. Go to India, Africa or South America, people cant even afford to eat never mind buying a phone. Sorry to sound bad but really it is like that. In this world with this huge downturn we live in, things arent great and really people need to wake up and realise that this crazy overspending on an overated products really isnt benefical to people. Nokia, Samsung and others are all looking after them markets and Apple again wont be able to touch them because they are too expensive. Sony will suffer the same fate due to their policy going smartphone only. The more people realise that they are being ripped off the better.

I am no fanboy at all im an outsider who has been following this thing throughout and its getting a bit tedious with the troll wars. Just no brainwashing from either one, let people decide for themselves not by word of mouth or pulling out your device to show off, really not needed!
[ This Message was edited by: chunkybeats on 2012-03-08 22:33 ]

Posted: 2012-03-08 23:31:09
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Supa_Fly Posts: > 500


Now THAT is a worthwhile critique and a good post! That was what I was hoping for in your original post and probably what you really meant, just didn't have the time.

Valid points - especially Nokia's "Next Billion" in markets where #'s of population are higher but income and liquidible spending $$ is lower than the common western world. Apple tried these markets even in the western world trying to price match or beat the windows monopoly - but they cannot compete due to pricing and economies of scale (no resources to match in the PC business to compete nor sustain 90% marketshare globally). They tried with licensing the OS: Motorola, etc - and failed .. bankruptcy was looming. In the PC world their a niche player - in the tablet world 76% of revenues comes from iOS with just 3 simple devices. 176 million units sold ... and with major profit margins: their not the only one's banking on the breaking backs of others.

Microsoft has a track record for mass-marketshare - not necessarily being the best: I'm sure you're aware of driver hell, varying code standards being broken, etc. When it comes to the tablet market - I'm going back 15yrs now - WinCe just wasn't strong enough, and with Windows 8 Preview ... horrible joke with that overlay when NOT having a multi-touch trackpad; business machines like the Dell 6320/6420 HP EliteBook 24xx/84xx/86xx series is not meant for running this OS.

AutoDesk's AutoCAD ... that application NEEDS a desktop workhorse ... nothing else will come close as even laptops are limited by their SATA SSD speeds and RAM speeds/size before anything else. Now if cloud servers running connected services with multiple connections for 1 task with distributed computing (you run 1 task on an AutoCAD file, I run another and the finished product seemless ads both changes and prompts for overlaying changes to the same item) ... (breathing) ... and possibly using 3D touch manipulation for manipulating the angle of view for a wire-frame model ... then maybe ... with incredible increases in processing power tablets with ports would replace laptops ... since essentially their the ports+screens of a standard laptop running on ultra low specs. I just see them one day (10yrs maybe) fully replacing laptops with accessories combined. But I'm a dreamer in this respect.

In all honesty ... we SHOULD have 1 central cloud service - multiple distributed virtual mainframes/servers running - and simple equal dumbterminals to use to access them: Google+PC/Laptop/Tablet+Internet ... remind you of anything in an old movie or comic?

Posted: 2012-03-09 00:40:18
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