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PeterKay Posts: > 500

Lets hope the rumour is actually true................

Posted: 2004-02-25 11:30:29
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Vlammetje Posts: > 500

hah! let's start the guessing game again!

'push-to-talk' is a 'walkie-talkie' like function on a phone... partivcularly popular in the US... I do believe they can PTT nationwide now (dunno how though) and that is free talk time
Posted: 2004-02-25 11:36:47
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smellymarq Posts: 63


I think you should wait until the 9th of march and then make your choice after you´ve seen the new phones from SE.
Posted: 2004-02-25 17:46:02
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PeterKay Posts: > 500

Lets just wait and see what comes.

will not dissapoint us.

Trust me.
Posted: 2004-02-25 17:58:07
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stewie Posts: > 500

I trust you :-D This message was posted from a T68i
Posted: 2004-02-25 18:01:13
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Universal Exports Posts: > 500

I can't wait!!!
Posted: 2004-02-25 18:11:14
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deuxani Posts: > 500

I don't what to say about this rumor, but this guy had some good info a couple of months back about new SE phones.

"at cibit

T1XX= t100 + 4K cstn + poly ring tones
T330=t310 + larger screen & more colurs(160*128 65K CSTN)+ integrated cam
T650 = t610 + tft screen(ALSO LARGER)maybe 176*137 + loud specker + more memory + 1.2mp cam with video playback & recording
se smart phone (T700????) =t650+176*220+MSD

se smart phone (T800????) =T700 defrent disgen+262k

plz note
T700+T800 are not the real names

at gitix
p1000= p900+wifi+1.2mb cam+100m BT +better & larger diplay+larger memory
z300=T330 color sub lcd
z650=t650 color sub lcd"

Posted: 2004-02-25 19:14:11
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skjalg Posts: > 500

When is Gitix?
Posted: 2004-02-26 08:15:35
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JasonDeFaoite Posts: 277

I was wondering the same thing, and where is it?
Posted: 2004-02-26 10:57:04
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d_a_r_k_n_e_z_z Posts: 186

yup thanks to SONY and them alone for the profit and success SE is having. if not for their big help in rescuing ericsson they would cease to exist. SONY really taught them how to make and design phones.

something that is complex and sophisticated is not always the best and reliable. what is simple is better.
-mikhail kalashnikov
creator AK-47 assault rifle

[ This Message was edited by: d_a_r_k_n_e_z_z on 2004-02-26 10:11 ]
Posted: 2004-02-26 11:09:59
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