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ephil_24 Posts: 282

It sounds pretty logical.. Afterall T-series has grown a bit old...
Posted: 2004-05-15 11:07:25
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david1975 Posts: > 500

Well i think sonyericsson will have to do a nokia its the only way they can keep up they are so far behind This message was posted from a T630
Posted: 2004-05-15 14:25:04
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mmsman Posts: > 500

i'm sorry but i'm never going to believe you arre, especially with that s crap with berra....
Posted: 2004-05-15 14:40:29
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50Cent Posts: > 500

i'm not gonna wait around for another SE phone to come out...i'm gonna get a K700 or S700
Posted: 2004-05-15 15:32:48
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draak1 Posts: 193

Arre wrote "Because they dont want people to think its just an upgrade like T610/630"

With all do respect,but people's are not so stupid like in the past.

Posted: 2004-05-15 15:44:40
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Ninjaturtle Posts: 296

Well, i don't know about Arre's Cred, but for the guys that have been here a while they will remember me as the guy who was first with the specs on the T68i, the T610 and the Z600 (including photos of the prototype)

I took a lot of crap and was even being called a liar back then, but so far i've been right 3 times out of 3, i guess that ought to count for something, right?

There will be an upgraded K700 with memstick duo slot, trust me.
Posted: 2004-05-15 19:59:42
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bart Posts: > 500

i know that there will be a sort of T650. but why on earth would they stop using those Txxx names. the Tseries is already known and it rememebers the old ericsson Txx phones.
info about a european Z500 was already known, so thats no surprize.
and no the european version won't have a 1.3MP cam
the T650 on the other hand will have a 1.3MP cam and all the other glory things, just like a S700. but again it will be availeble much later then it should be
Posted: 2004-05-15 20:17:43
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ts_666 Posts: 301

eldar from mobile review is saying that he will most likely put information about 7(!!!!!!!) new SE phones on his website towards the end of may. he is saying that they include "T110", "T240", "T650", "Z630", "Z330", "P950" and "something else"... but he also says that the "something else" won't be as interesting as all this stuff.
so we wait!
Posted: 2004-05-15 20:34:45
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folling182 Posts: 368

this eldar guy sound like a bit of a prick! sorry to say this, but anyone could come to the conclusion that after sequencial upgrades by sony ericsson, what COULD come next.
he could predict 7 models that might come out, ok ,perhaps he gets 3 right, but what about the other 4? everyone forgets about what he gets wrong!
Its easy to say "after 1 comes 2, then 3,so 4 must come next"
even i could say that! but i dont because i could be wrong.
like now i could say "soon SE will bring out a z610, a t700, a p1000, and a t330"
perhaps i am right in 2, tops.
so then i can proclaim to be an expert and know everthing about sonyericsson.COME ON!!

Well, at least thats what i think...
and when i say elbar, i mean any other person that makes up fake rumors for highly irriliable or inexistent sources.
Arre, berra, and it looks like ninja turtle too.
Remember this topic is about rumors, not complete bullshite!!

I just hope im not the only person that thinks this way.

Posted: 2004-05-15 22:53:47
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mmsman Posts: > 500

well ok i don't know for ninjaturtle as i don't remember who posted that info first but i think that seindonesia posted t610 info first, anyway i don't remember exactly, but arre , i mean shit look at his thread about s220 or something like that and t510

oh and about eldar, as far as i remember he was right almost on all models plus he always has exclusive first reviews (t610,p800,p900,t310,k700) and he's well known that he has connections, plus he knows how to stand out for himself, for instance the email that was sent by se to all sites which contained info about new phones in a video, take a read through his article about that

i don't think he's a prick, true i don't know him in real life but hey i bet that he know a lot more than you do so if you don't know shit don't call others pricks
plus if i'm correct this is in the rumours section so i don't know why are you complaining, shit why don't go in the garbage section and say that it's garbage
Posted: 2004-05-15 23:17:19
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