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baz Posts: 282

what ever happedned to the P1000?
how long are we going to have to wait? then add 3-6 months.

Posted: 2004-05-22 23:25:05
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saqibq Posts: 184

yes.. its smaller then the current p900.. its superb.. much smaller but the screen size is the same and yeah one more things.. The DUO PRO is gonna be supported on that.. DUO PRO guys.. we r gonna be lucky.. WOndering wt to do with my p900 when this baby is gonna cum out .. i mean come out.. and yeah the battery life will be better then p900.. the bluetooth will be 50m range.. u can detect bluetooth devices upto 50m.. and on the top of the mobile in the picture i saw i torch like thing and asked my friend wt was that and he told that a built in Torch cum laser pointer will be a function fo the mobile. sony ericsson is gonna kick Nokias Ass. ihave even more info but very busy on my msn so sorry.. laterzzzz

Posted: 2004-05-22 23:27:09
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saqibq Posts: 184

and yeah this is the p1000.. p1000 = p alice.. actually this is just a codename for it most probably it will be p1010.. that wt my friend told me .. he works as a Assistant manager and i beleive him..
Posted: 2004-05-22 23:31:40
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bart Posts: > 500

a few question for alice
1:do you always need to use the keyboard, i don't like keyboards can you just detach it?
2: are the leds still there
3: how many aMh is the battery?
4: 65K or 260K?

so the layla will be a cheaper version without 3G, anything else missing on it?
Posted: 2004-05-22 23:33:13
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baz Posts: 282

can it handle more than 128MB ??
we need 256 or at least 512MB for Pics, movies and mp3's.

if BT range is 50 Mt then a standard BT head set HBH-35 wont work more than 10 MT. i dont know many BT devices that go beyond 10MT. i was under the impression the next class of BT devices (which are currently available) have a 100 MT range to compete with WiFi.


Posted: 2004-05-22 23:35:19
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saqibq Posts: 184

baterry is 2000mah
bluetooth mayb 50 or 100 this is one thing he was not sure about.. most probably 100 as u say..
and the keyboard can be detached..
the screen is 260k..
and their will be 7 led colors.. One red for warning purpose.. and green as normal.. one blue for bluetooth.. And 4 more.. for assigning to callers.. and groups.. like all ur friends call .. ITs color will be Yellow on top..
and yeahone more feature that will drive all of u crazyy ... thier is gonna b a security ffeature that is .. UR FONE WONT UNLOCK TILL UR THUMB IMNPRESSION will unlock it.. u can insert it through the TOUCH SCREEN >> THIS IS GOONA BE GREATTTTTTTT....

and yes it can handle more then even 512mbs...
Posted: 2004-05-22 23:46:38
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saqibq Posts: 184

ok guys me going for today.. 2moro i will come back wid more news.. gonna meet him 2moro for more info.. bye.. bye.
Posted: 2004-05-22 23:49:41
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bart Posts: > 500

ok this is 100% like a dream phone. if i personally like the design and it comes out before cebit 2005. then i think i'm not gonna buy a new PC this year lol thats 3years that i'm waiting to buy a new PC
i just love phones
Posted: 2004-05-22 23:53:24
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n|ck_xp Posts: 363

Can you please check if the new phone is going to have Symbian 8.0-UIQ 3.0, 1.3 Mepapixel Camera (and if the camera includes flash) and GPS?(Like Motorola A1000) and can you also confirm that both upcoming phones except WiFi and 3G are going to be TriBand GSM (900,1900,1900)???
Thats because I am traveling a lot to US and I need 1900 support.
I ask that because the Z1010 supports 3G but they cut the GSM 1900 support...

You already said that is going to support Video Calls so it is clear that the phone is going to be 3G/WCDMA/UMTS and with the 260k display MS Duo pro support and all the other stuff you said this phone is going to be a killer!
Keep us inform!!!

[ This Message was edited by: n|ck_xp on 2004-05-22 23:27 ]
Posted: 2004-05-22 23:58:45
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elemental Posts: 56

WOW sounds unreal!!! i'm gonna start saving my cash NOW ready for the release (whenever that may be) i'm guessing 12-18 months which would JUST give me time to save enuff
Posted: 2004-05-23 00:01:20
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