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milmino Posts: 454

@metro: the phone box will not have a data-cable/docking station, i think what you saw was charger or stereo headset
Posted: 2004-07-16 16:39:26
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tranquil Posts: > 500

I'm surprised how similar the menues are to the menues on the K700. A bit dissapointed actually...
Posted: 2004-07-18 20:31:30
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kr4nc Posts: 263

Hi! Im wondering when it will be released(?) Will it be 100% released? Tnx This message was posted from a WAP device
Posted: 2004-07-18 20:44:18
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Atlis Posts: > 500

Review in english is available Gr8 phone!
Posted: 2004-07-21 12:39:00
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