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Market : Mobile phones wanted : LF: T66 or T600 :: Close me Close me Close me Close me !
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Lynx69 Posts: > 500

Lol, hes just trying to refer mixin to people he thinks might have one, give him a break

Posted: 2004-09-27 23:48:03
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BobaFett Posts: > 500

@mixin called my friend, he has got one, but the radio-apart ( donnow the phrase in eng ) is defect, so u cannot make calls. Interested? This message was posted from a T630
Posted: 2004-09-27 23:51:49
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BobaFett Posts: > 500 give it a try. This message was posted from a T630
Posted: 2004-09-28 00:22:54
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mixin Posts: > 500

Thanks to JiggyJaggy for a rather fast deal
Never thought i'd get one quite so quickly

This thread can now be closed!
Posted: 2004-09-30 19:27:28
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