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vrl29 Posts: 305

and besides, seems to have a cool name...

(wow, this thread has reached 100 replies! this rumor is hot...)
Posted: 2006-03-08 04:45:22
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shaliron Posts: > 500

On 2006-03-08 04:45:22, vrl29 wrote:
and besides, seems to have a cool name...

(wow, this thread has reached 100 replies! this rumor is hot...)

Don't forget about the logo
Posted: 2006-03-08 07:47:37
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wilson Posts: 116

If ericsson really want to buy SE then we have to believe that it had been planned long during the merge by ///. It was just the plan to steal the technology from sony and gain popularity as its mobile department (///) was declining in the market. but as many in this topic had said, it is not likely due to the fact that SE is the second if not the first (considering NOKIA) as long as the best phone manufacturer and markets are concerned.
I'm not so sure but if that rumours are true then I anticipate that a lot of people will loose interest on the mobile to be produced by /// after the split of these two company.

What you opt is what you like the most!!
Sony Ericson is leading. K700i

[ This Message was edited by: wilson on 2006-03-23 11:32 ]

[ This Message was edited by: wilson on 2006-03-23 11:44 ]
Posted: 2006-03-23 07:43:36
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carkitter Posts: > 500

This rumour has been around for 18 months now.
Posted: 2006-04-23 15:30:20
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Vein Posts: > 500

On 2006-03-23 07:43:36, wilson wrote:
If ericsson really want to buy SE then we have to believe that it had been planned long during the merge by ///. It was just the plan to steal the technology from sony and gain popularity as its mobile department (///) was declining in the market. but as many in this topic had said, it is not likely due to the fact that SE is the second if not the first (considering NOKIA) as long as the best phone manufacturer and markets are concerned.
I'm not so sure but if that rumours are true then I anticipate that a lot of people will loose interest on the mobile to be produced by /// after the split of these two company.

What you opt is what you like the most!!
Sony Ericson is leading. K700i

[ This Message was edited by: wilson on 2006-03-23 11:32 ]

[ This Message was edited by: wilson on 2006-03-23 11:44 ]

Sony were doing rubbish in the markets too. With a small choice of handsets and expensive prices.
Posted: 2006-04-25 22:28:56
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BobaFett Posts: > 500

@wilson dont forget one fact. esato was created cos of ///. the success and the huge respect of this site comes from /// times, however it turned to a sE site, fact is fact. sony gave a better image maybe and some fun features, but thats it. u might say, i am exagarating a bit. my answer:

-show me a sony ( or any other asian brand ) related forum ( site )

-show me here a sony thread

Posted: 2006-04-26 21:12:06
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peanut Posts: > 500

I don't understand where all these rumours keep coming from. It's a joint venture not a merger anyway so there really wouldn't be a great deal for Ericsson to buy. All tbey would need to do is devolve the JV which happens all the time. Ericsson aren't in any way gaining technology from Sony for these phones apart from MS duo/micro! And who needs that anyway.
Posted: 2006-04-26 21:55:56
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rraz9228 Posts: 145

It is kinda Ironic the you are talking about Ericsson buying out SE which if fact, the real rumor is, Sony is the one interested in buying out SE. But that only if Ericsson would like to sell. Ericsson had rumors before that they might sell their share on SE. Because of that, a lot of companies gave their interest in buying Ericsson's share, especially that SE is a success so far. And one of the companies who gave its interest in buying Ericsson's share if they try sell their stake is Sony themeselves. Sony stressed that in a news a read months ago that if Ericssons sell's their share, they are very much interested to buy it.

But with all the success of SE and Ericsson doesn't really need the cash, chances are Ericsson will not sell their stake either. Atleast not for the time being.

I can only Imagine Ericsson selling thier share in SE if they get involve in a big merger/purchase of another company(Nortel for example) and needs the cash to do it.

[ This Message was edited by: rraz9228 on 2006-04-26 23:15 ]

[ This Message was edited by: rraz9228 on 2006-04-26 23:18 ]
Posted: 2006-04-27 00:14:15
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goldenface Posts: > 500

@rraz9228. I agree.

I think I read the same articles as you. I think would Sony to have first choice anyway.

In another article I read, it would seem that quite a few manufacturers are expecting mergers/acquisitions to take place eventually.

This is because with Moto and Nokia both holding around 50% of the market, and the others finding it a tough battle to take a decent slice of this, then either a merger of the smaller manufacturers such as Samsung and , or one of the smaller with the big 2, is looking more attractive.

Such is the nature of business
Posted: 2006-04-27 12:28:51
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Krubach Posts: > 500

On 2006-03-06 17:23:09, Coxy wrote:
Check this out guys, it made me laugh!
The first paragraph of the first page in the latest issue of "Stuff" magazine.

Stupid ignorants...
Those are the kind of eyes-can-only-see-nokia journalists who were unemployed and started working on a magazine (whichever it was...).
Posted: 2006-04-27 13:39:49
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