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tranced Posts: > 500

you need greek and what language else?
Posted: 2008-04-04 19:55:23
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VILLA21 Posts: 61

On 2008-04-04 19:55:23, tranced wrote:
you need greek and what language else?

Greek and English
Posted: 2008-04-04 20:11:59
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tranced Posts: > 500

at the moment i cant find the emea3 nor the mediterr that contains those languages.

there's a K800_R8BA024_FS_MEDITERR_RED52 though. you want it?

i jay0726||i missing clara ||most helpful member, according masseur||telefonicos

[ This Message was edited by: tranced on 2008-04-04 19:15 ]
Posted: 2008-04-04 20:14:04
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VILLA21 Posts: 61

yes sure! Actually, i use always the English menu, but i prefer my phone book and SMS in Greek.
Posted: 2008-04-04 20:18:46
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tranced Posts: > 500


Posted: 2008-04-04 20:20:18
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VILLA21 Posts: 61

Thank you!
Posted: 2008-04-04 20:21:03
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_!GameKing!_ Posts: 40

nevermind solved the prob

[ This Message was edited by: _!GameKing!_ on 2008-04-04 21:23 ]
Posted: 2008-04-04 20:39:36
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Lenislt Posts: 5

21:44:46| Baseband ID: 9900
21:44:46| Hardware Platform: db2020
21:44:46| Protocol Version: 3.1
21:44:47| AutoReturnCollectingphone name detected
21:44:47| Return
21:44:47| PHONE INFO
21:44:47| DBID: db2020
21:44:47| OTP CID: 49
21:44:47| EROM CID: 49
21:44:47| EROM color: Red
21:44:47| IMEI: 35342701xxxxxx
21:44:47| Phone: K800
21:44:47| Operator: BALTIC
21:44:47| CDA: CDA102568/1 R5A
21:44:47| Firmware: R1JG001
21:44:47| EROM: R3A016
21:44:47| Ready for operation!
21:45:04| Sending loaders\db2020_cid01_cert_p3g.bin...
21:45:04| This is a CERTIFICATE loader
21:45:04| ***** Read flash vendor & id (cmd 0D)
21:45:04| ***** Read otp (cmd 24)
21:45:04| Sending loaders\db2020_cid49red_flash_r2a001.bin...
21:45:04| This is a FLASH loader
21:45:04| ***** Read flash vendor & id (cmd 0D)
21:45:04| ***** Read otp (cmd 24)
21:45:04| +++ Now flashing firmware main...
21:45:05| Sending flashfile L:\flash files\K800_R8BA024_MAIN_GENERIC_WI_RED52.mbn
21:45:05| 460 flashblocks
21:45:05| Binary acknowledge failed with: 89
21:45:05| Failed
21:45:05| Binary acknowledge failed with: 68
21:45:05| Failed sending datachunk
21:45:05| Failed sending flashblock 1. Returnvalue 0x419FC8
21:45:05| Finishing flash
21:45:06| Binary acknowledge failed with: 02
21:45:06| Failed
21:45:06| Failed
21:45:16| ++ Error: Flashing failed
21:45:16| Disconnected... Unplug the phone

have any suggestions how to fix it?
i have downloaded these files:
P.S. never flashed before. first time

[ This Message was edited by: Lenislt on 2008-04-08 20:03 ]
Posted: 2008-04-08 21:00:25
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tranced Posts: > 500

the K800_R8BA024_MAIN_GENERIC_WI_RED52 is for CID52 phones. yours is CID49. upgrade the CID with XS++. at the beggining it prompts to upgrade the CID to CID52.
Posted: 2008-04-08 21:05:54
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Lenislt Posts: 5

thanks, it worked just fine flash was succesful
Posted: 2008-04-08 21:36:07
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