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djburno2000 Posts: 66

just a thought:
some people (on this forum) say that the z1010 will be released in Q1 2004, doesn't it make the release of the T650 a bit hypothetic?
Are these phones completely different (appart the form factor)?
Or is SE going to launch on the market very similar phones in a very short period of time?

Sounds a bit strange for me.

The old say "wait and see" again proves its value....

Posted: 2003-12-26 08:33:34
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deuxani Posts: > 500

Hmmm, Im wondering if we can install applications on this phone like on all the Symbian phones. Cause I'd like to watch movies or series on a phone and if the standard software doesn't support this, I want to install a program that can.
Posted: 2003-12-26 12:51:21
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mmsman Posts: > 500

well z1010 is 3g and i think that t650 will be a normal 2.5g (or a 2.8g if it supports edge) phone so there's a huge difference and ofcourse t650 won't be a clamshell and if t650 would be presented in march it would probably came out in june or may while z1010 was already presented and it's going to be released in januar.....
Posted: 2003-12-26 13:24:14
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rraz9228 Posts: 145


The T650 and Z1010 is not comparable at all as also said by mmsman. The biggest difference that I can say is that Z1010 is a 3G phone while T650 is GSM/GPRS/or Maybe EDGE. In short, they not on the same market at all. Design wise, Z1010 is a clamshell phone while T650 is a bar form.
Posted: 2003-12-26 19:00:04
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djburno2000 Posts: 66

thanks all for the detailed explanations....

yes, indeed I forgot about the 3g thing... not concerned here (yet!)

still, the z1010 puzzles me.... I fear it's going to be like the P800 that took so long to reach the market that when it finally arrived it was not so much revolutionnary as expected as that time lost was used by the competition to react...

I expect a great deal from the T650 but will not neglect the z1010 if its specs are worth it.

Posted: 2003-12-27 05:05:12
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deuxani Posts: > 500

And the T650 will be much smaller. Eldar of Mobile Review stated in the past that the phone will have almost the same size as the T610 but only thicker, cause of the Memory Stick.

Oh yeah, the T650 will have a build in FM-radio!!

[ This Message was edited by: deuxani on 2003-12-27 18:25 ]
Posted: 2003-12-27 18:30:14
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Sony Ericsson Indonesia Posts: > 500

i realy doubt the fm radio
Posted: 2003-12-27 20:37:17
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jack00 Posts: > 500

eldar has got a prototype ... so ... you don't have to doupt it
Posted: 2003-12-27 20:45:07
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mmsman Posts: > 500

an fm radio?!? that would be strange......
Posted: 2003-12-27 22:18:22
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magkono Posts: 100

i hope their is an fm radio.....but it might not be possible
Posted: 2004-01-01 11:40:29
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