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richardlusty Posts: 128

I hope it comes in black. And i hope it arrives soon. Is there any knowledge on when the phone will even be formally announced. o2 retail stores are doing a really cool new tariff. called o2 500 but its only £35 per month! I want the tariff now and the phone now! I want i want i want!!!!!! Would have loved a better camera on the phone though to merit the difference in size between it and the k750i. I hope the screen resolution is also gonna be better, i hear the new samsung d600 has a very good screen and video. So i will be expecting better from sony ericsson!
Posted: 2005-10-02 01:05:58
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goldenface Posts: > 500

On 2005-10-01 18:24:02, dontknow wrote:
On 2005-10-01 13:49:51, goldenface wrote:
@Ibinco. I have an S700i in front of me and I put it in the same position as the Sakura in the pic of it on its side.

I can close my phone with one hand but only in one direction.

That light-grey button on the side of the phone looks like the one we would press to open the phone.

I hope it opens the right way, e.g. clockwise, and doesn't 'slam' open otherwise it could fly out or your hand and take someone's head off.

No, no buttons. You handle it exactly like S700, but You get some help with it when You've opened it a little bit.

Don't expect it to be thin, it isn't...

Oh, I see. I does open up slowly right?

I am not expecting to be as thin as a RAZR but as along as it is thinner then that will do me
Posted: 2005-10-02 15:35:07
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Katsura Posts: 36

No, fast instant spring loaded openning. No slow dampened openning.
Posted: 2005-10-03 18:27:10
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david1975 Posts: > 500

was looking at the pic of the back of the so called sakura or k800 before we found out about the w900 anyway looking at it and the depth of the keypad when its open looks more like a slide phone to me rather than a swivel could the k750 replacement be a slider to compete with the samsung and the nokia 6280 and 6270
Posted: 2005-10-29 12:37:52
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dr_thug Posts: > 500

On 2005-09-21 13:18:39, brix25 wrote:
The bezel on the front kinda gives an indication that the phone sholuld fit right in with the Walkman-family. Just a thought.

i was going through this thread and found this.....

Posted: 2005-10-29 13:43:03
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dr_thug Posts: > 500

On 2005-09-23 01:24:20, Katsura wrote:
The next Walkman branded phone will be of a highe model number than expected .

But the most intersting thing is it's got 2 camera (take a guess what that's for). The main cam will be same spec as K750 (disappointed it's not a 3.2 MPixel larger lens).

The form factor will be the same as S700 but with an extra twist

Watch this space.

i think we should ask this guy for details of future se did he get it?
Posted: 2005-10-29 13:48:38
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Katsura Posts: 36

Crystal balls, my friend
Posted: 2005-11-03 15:37:21
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reallysecretfox Posts: 34

this is to everyone who is saying that the W900 is smaller than the S700i. well its NOT. it is almost exactly the same size, and it is heavier, not by much, but it is!!!

I have both phones here and have been using W900 for some time now. it is what it is, and upgrade, or almost just a 3G version of the S700i. most things are in the exact same postition apart from the mem card slot which is on the opposite side of the phone!

Posted: 2005-11-03 17:16:27
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reallysecretfox Posts: 34

oh, also, the screen is the EXACT same size as teh S700i! infact i would say that they are using the same screen that they used in the S700i.
if i get a chance / when no one is around i will see if I can get comparison pic's up here for you all. but until then, take my word on it.

Posted: 2005-11-03 17:21:15
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Coxy Posts: > 500


if you could get pics thatd be great. although you say it is so similar what is your opinion on it?
Posted: 2005-11-03 17:59:27
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