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mrao Posts: > 500

"Never wear wet underwear to work. It slows you down".

Darths motto is....
Posted: 2005-07-25 06:36:00
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Cornholio_666 Posts: 198

safety first kids, lightsabres hurt.

darth vader went to supermans house...
Posted: 2005-07-25 06:46:53
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aps Posts: 66

to bring him to the dark side and call him darth super

the colour of super darths underwear was..
Posted: 2005-07-25 06:51:08
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Cornholio_666 Posts: 198

flouresent pink with yellow stripes.

overnight darth super became a gay icon who...
Posted: 2005-07-25 06:57:40
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mrao Posts: > 500

could spot other fellow gays with his super vision.

Darth sidius was feeling undermined soon, and...
Posted: 2005-07-25 07:36:00
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Cornholio_666 Posts: 198

challenged darth super to a fight.

they both fought hard...
Posted: 2005-07-25 08:01:54
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blackspot Posts: > 500

... with pink and purple light sabres, hair pulling and lots of pinching.

Darth Super won by ...
Posted: 2005-07-25 09:05:09
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aps Posts: 66

hanging sidius with his underwear string...

and then he lived....
Posted: 2005-07-27 05:27:18
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blackspot Posts: > 500

... happily alone in Degoba, eating frog soup and bark porridge under a fake identity, Yoda.

If Jedi Knights were real ...
Posted: 2005-07-27 06:33:47
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mrao Posts: > 500

There would be light sabres flashing all over the place

But then there would be the Sith .....
Posted: 2005-07-27 16:24:38
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