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Sony Ericsson / Sony : Tips and tricks : Free Internet Browsing on Opera Mini using Proxies
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aquared29 Posts: > 500

operamini 4,2 and 4.1 not capable for downloading, 3.1 and 2.06 or ucwed6.3 instesd
Posted: 2009-05-06 18:14:28
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sephiroph Posts: 10

some buddy have any proxy for Claro Dominican Republic?
Posted: 2009-05-07 09:49:27
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fbloise Posts: > 500

wrong place buddy
There are no proxies, and in case you manage to found one, Claro is monitoring all ports in any outbound connection, resulting in port and proxy blocking.
Some friends have a proxy but they dont want to tell. also that proxy can be used after 6pm only.
Posted: 2009-05-07 21:07:33
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akubest90 Posts: 12

It only work for a short period only,2-3 minutes or shorter
and in more than 30 proxies i tried, only one working, really wasted time
Maybe was block by my operator..

I use aliveproxy...
Posted: 2009-05-10 19:33:09
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voodowizzard Posts: 125

Im enjoying my free browse here in south africa using the operamini 4.2 wana knw more go to free gprs in south africa found on regional forums.
Posted: 2009-05-11 07:44:00
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aquared29 Posts: > 500

im also using operamini4.2 customize by any network
Posted: 2009-05-11 18:15:46
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asanka1 Posts: 15

some of these are working on computer since im using a HSDPA modem but it dosent work in my PC
Posted: 2009-06-01 07:22:09
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jact Posts: 27

how i put proxy to operamini?
Posted: 2009-06-05 04:36:54
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fbloise Posts: > 500

you need to have a opera mini modded that has the proxy input field.
There are plenty, most of them in russian
Posted: 2009-06-05 13:51:05
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flatrexon Posts: 6

Where can i download opmini mod in russian?

This message was posted from a 6085
Posted: 2009-07-08 17:28:30
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