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Sutitan Posts: 327

6 New Sony Ericsson phones rumored to be out soon.

But enought about the title! People claim that that distant future with the phones is now. So just put up the pictures, info, and release date! That is if you find all that about the phone
Posted: 2004-02-23 23:16:53
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bart Posts: > 500

ok msn seems to be off line on my end. how is it at yours?

we need pics. come on eldar!
Posted: 2004-02-23 23:21:09
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Sutitan Posts: 327

Here in Florida MSN is fine.

But as the pics, i say bring them on!!!

(And thanks for using my suggestion as the title!)
Posted: 2004-02-23 23:26:05
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Sir-SonyEricsson-man Posts: > 500

mine is working too her in norway..

Posted: 2004-02-23 23:42:06
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Sutitan Posts: 327

Over 110 posts in less than i day and we are almost there. `
Posted: 2004-02-23 23:45:21
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bart Posts: > 500

looks like its just belgium with problems. grrr i'm not liking this!
and where are those pics! and the official press
Posted: 2004-02-23 23:47:36
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bart Posts: > 500

ok everything is working again here. can we have a confirmation form anothere site one with pics maby on there new phones?
Posted: 2004-02-24 00:19:48
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Sutitan Posts: 327

Anyone willing to be a team player here and give up 10 small USD to please every signle person on this site. If you buy the pics, please be as kind as to post them up!
Posted: 2004-02-24 00:22:58
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mmsman Posts: > 500

man it's almost one o clock here in europe i guess we have to wait till 2 o clock again, eh bart?
i guess you were right after all sonyericssonman, good contacts you got there!

[ This Message was edited by: mmsman on 2004-02-23 23:32 ]
Posted: 2004-02-24 00:28:54
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bart Posts: > 500

just looked true most of the mobile-review forum (the one in russian) i don't speak any russian, just looked everywhere to see if i could find some pics or words that would relate to SE phones. but sadly i didn't find anything.
i'll have to draw my line at 1 CET cause i'm really tired
Posted: 2004-02-24 00:36:48
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