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General discussions : Rumours : 6 New Sony Ericsson phones rumored to be out soon!!
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bionrg Posts: 118

mwahahahah... heheh..
you guys are so funny.. lol
what a hype...

love it, keep posting folks!
Posted: 2004-02-24 00:40:35
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Sir-SonyEricsson-man Posts: > 500

yes and i'm sooo sorry that i head on him...
Posted: 2004-02-24 00:44:15
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BobaFett Posts: > 500

Attention! There will b no new pxxx manufactured! 1 one d members had a wish free by me, so i can proudly present d 1 and only new released se fone d BART1000! Features like bt, irda, sync ml, wap, hscsd, gprs, mp3, mpn, java, mms, sms, ems, sos, win xp, linux, opera, vga, etc etc etc d only prob, D ONLY LANGUAGE AS SUPPORT IS D FLAMAND! This message was posted from a R520
Posted: 2004-02-24 00:59:04
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bart Posts: > 500

??? wtf??? you said you would post info about one phone. so othere will believe you and pay you money for other info. i think you just blew your life at esato here
Posted: 2004-02-24 01:02:14
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Sutitan Posts: 327

I doubt SE would make a phone in only one language, espcially the language you said... I think they have the time and technology to install a multilanguage pack into it
Posted: 2004-02-24 01:18:56
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slamEVIL Posts: 370

On 2004-02-23 22:08:19, bobafett wrote:
finally i arrived 2 cannes.... i can c already d magnificent 7.... 4 more information pls call +362514587458745. 5 USD / min, pix as mms or email 10 USD. i do know its unfair 2 all of u, but d trip was very expensive, i have 2 get home someway...

i think that it's obvious @bobafett was joking people.
Posted: 2004-02-24 01:19:09
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bart Posts: > 500

so now he's got drones working for him 2.
i'm sure not everyboudy thought he was joking
Posted: 2004-02-24 01:23:48
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Sutitan Posts: 327

*Slaps self in head*
Now why didnt i read all the numbers and the 5USD/mIn thing i have no clue. Thanks for making me feel stupid
Posted: 2004-02-24 01:25:42
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Eva-m00 Posts: 364

What a pointless thread...


Posted: 2004-02-24 12:49:11
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draak1 Posts: 193

What a pointless anwer.
Posted: 2004-02-24 13:01:31
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