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Dogmann Posts: > 500

Hi Ares,

Whilst i don't really agree with all this comparison nonsense i think you are also being a little unrealistic and a massive Fan Boy whilst you are at it. Which is quite Ironic as any one that dares criticize SE is automatically a Nokia Fan Boy and the very thing you accuse so many of is exactly what you are, your opinions of SE are biased and unrealistic and all because it has an SE badge.

Yes the P700 does indeed have 128mb Ram and a very good job it does to I wish all Symbian devices did so well done to SE for getting this right. But sorry still a 206mhz processor compared to 330mhz and the lite version graphics chip, No VGGA 640X480 30fps, as yet not announced to have HSDPA, 262k screen compared to a 16million, and not forgetting already launched and the top selling device as opposed to coming when exactly?

It is hardly cutting edge tech for a to be launched device it needs to be available very soon IMO and i really hope this is not all that is announced on the 8th as i would find that very disappointing. SE with the P700 have shown they can do it but they need to do things much faster and start releasing products that wow us.

One last thing can no one understand that whilst some people feel they have to have a touchscreen on a smart phone and will pay the price in visibility, others prefer to have better screens that we don't feel the need to touch. The proof of this is very simple as there are more non touch screen smart phones and if you were right this just would not happen. A touchscreen is only a big deal if you want one the rest of us don't so they are of no value to us. It is not a valid justification that one devices is superior to another simple as that.


Nokia E61 2gb Sandisk, Fring, Tom Tom 6, AD-46 with Black Shure EC2g

[ This Message was edited by: Dogmann on 2007-05-04 16:24 ]
Posted: 2007-05-04 17:19:53
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scouser_75 Posts: > 500

May I step into this discussion please.

I am not a fan of any particular brand etc Ive owned an SE P800, SPV C600, and am currently on a Nokia N95.

All I have to say is out of the above 3 phones, in terms of ease of use, quality of calls, quality of build etc the Nokia N95 is by far-and-away the worst.

If it wasn't for the few gizmo's Nokia have chucked in, no one would be singing and dancing about this phone. The N95 forgets what its main function is... that of being a phone!

The C600 is a brilliant phone... at being a phone. Nothing more. Nothing less.

The P800... well the P800 was just brilliant. Brill at being a phone. Brill at being a PDA. Brill at having a few gizmo's. Brill at having good build quality. Brill at being easy to use. Everything.

Then I had a play at the P990 - and what a load of sh1te it was/is!!!

Untill the P700 is released and we've all had a play at it, none of us will know just how good or bad it is. I thought the N95 was going to be THE phone. Oh how I got done by the hype and marketing! But at least I know I have been done. There are thousands out there who still have not realised.

Posted: 2007-05-04 17:30:48
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Jah Posts: > 500

Re: N95 & P700

I have a N95. My wife wants it because of the superb video recording capability. I don't use it a as smartphone because I am not used to a keypad for input, I prefer the M600 or Nokia 9500. Just because Nokia use S60 on the N95 it does not mean it is targetted at Smartphone users - it allows third-party apps to be added. Also the N95 does not have push email! So I suggest that on the whole the N95 and P700 are designed to appeal to different people. Okay the N95 with a BT keyboard and Quick Office 4 would make a very handy mobile office...

[ This Message was edited by: Jah on 2007-05-04 16:32 ]
Posted: 2007-05-04 17:30:54
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ares Posts: > 500

On 2007-05-04 17:19:53, Dogmann wrote:
Hi Ares,

Whilst i don't really agree with all this comparison nonsense i think you are also being a little unrealistic and a massive Fan Boy whilst you are at it. Which is quite Ironic as any one that dares criticize SE is automatically a Nokia Fan Boy and the very thing you accuse so many of is exactly what you are, your opinions of SE are biased and unrealistic and all because it has an SE badge.

My point is that the N95 isnīt miles away from the P700 has mib1800 said...AM I SAYING ANYTHING WRONG??? Am i being a fanboy for seing the obvious, i.e., the P700 will be better has a true smartphone than the n95, due to its input methods and huge amount of RAM??? You just gave me another example about why i normally donīt like you, that kind of retarded posts is a great example. Bye
Posted: 2007-05-04 17:46:33
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Dogmann Posts: > 500


You really need to get over your self and get real you are just pathetic.

Maybe i should run to Masseur and cry like you do when you claim to be insulted , you called me a retarded poster, for someone who gets upset with minor insults it really is a shame you don't practice what you preach as that is really an uncalled for insult from some one that has no respect for others. Such a shame you don't have the integrity to practice what you preach you hypocrite.

Nokia E61 2gb Sandisk, Fring, Tom Tom 6, AD-46 with Black Shure EC2g

[ This Message was edited by: Dogmann on 2007-05-04 17:02 ]
Posted: 2007-05-04 17:53:39
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ares Posts: > 500


I called your post retarded, not you - there is a difference...i have already seen you making decent, reasonable posts...not this time.
Posted: 2007-05-04 18:02:56
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mib1800 Posts: > 500

On 2007-05-04 10:50:02, ares wrote:

You canīt keep yourself of being a shameless its FAR below the call the fact of P700 can only be compared with the E90 in terms of multitasking capability to "be far behind" think having around 80mb free operating RAM vs 20 something on the N95 is a little thing??? And adding to that some real decent means of text input, and a camera that shouldnīt be inferior to n95īs, and i canīt really see why it is far behing...people wanting a powefull yet small TRUE smartphone wonīt go for the n95...

I dont think it is that unfair for me to say P700 is far behind N95. By comparing quantitatively, in almost every aspect P700 is behind.

1. N95 has faster and better CPU

2. N95 has 5MP whereas P700 has 3.2Mp

3. Quadband+EDGE+3.5G for N95 against standard 3band +3g for P700

4. N95 has 16M screen screen against 262k for P700

5. VGA@30fps for N95 against QVGA@15fps for P700

6. Stereo speakers for N95

7. on phone USB and 3.5mm jack for N95

8. N95 has GPS (+free maps)

9. N95 has more 3rd party software support

*10. P700 has more free RAM

=11. Size: N95 maybe thicker by 3-4 mm but P700 is 10mm longer.

=12. P700 has a T.S. but N95 can be used one-handed. So it is hard to quantify this factor as it depends on the user input requirement

Did I leave out any part of the phone in the above list??
9 to 1 in favor of N95.

Posted: 2007-05-04 18:02:59
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ares Posts: > 500

Forgot the qwerty did you??? forgot you donīt know the complete specs of the P700 yet??? Forgot most of those things can have relative value (great 3mp cam vs 5mb, having gps or not, EDGE, etc), but having a huge amount of RAM on any Symbian 9.1 device is clearly a HUGE advantage. IMHO, the main n95 advantage vs the P700 is the processor

Back to mr doggman

A touchscreen is only a big deal if you want one the rest of us don't so they are of no value to us. It is not a valid justification that one devices is superior to another simple as that.

Like having a gps or EDGE?? Please...
P990i + hbh ds970 - photography by ares aka antonioj

[ This Message was edited by: ares on 2007-05-04 17:06 ]

[ This Message was edited by: ares on 2007-05-04 17:09 ]
Posted: 2007-05-04 18:05:45
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mib1800 Posts: > 500

Yeah, P700 has more RAM is an advantage but NOT that huge. How many tasks you want to be active at once? 50? 100? And P700 is slower which means you get to waste more time for a task to be completed than N95.

I would rather have a FAST phone (N95) and manage the opened tasks properly than a SLOW phone that allows me to open 50 tasks simultaneously.

QWERTY? Typing on the weird keypad of P700? Thanks for the joke!!!

[ This Message was edited by: mib1800 on 2007-05-04 17:21 ]
Posted: 2007-05-04 18:18:25
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ares Posts: > 500

QWERTY is a joke...for you, right??? A phone keypad is the real joke for long documents, instant messaging, etc really did not use a UIQ3 device did you??? Because everybody know that they are FAST once the apps are running on background...while that is a problem on a P990, sometimes, due to limited RAM, the P700 will alow virtually every single important app to be running and quickly acessed
Posted: 2007-05-04 18:26:03
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