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SE_believer Posts: 11

Just to come across to your last comment. Ericsson has many more signed contracts to build up Edge capable network elements than Nokia has. The reason why SE hasn't yet any edge capable mobile due to the fact that edge is only in the USA in operation. For sure USA is and will be an interesting market to sell mobiles, but the networks have been upgraded to egde since 2001. That means till now it make sence to offer mobiles which can operate with edge.
Please don't forget that the Ericsson platform for mobiles are more advanced than the platforms from Nokia in my opinion. A really simple example: SE or the Ericsson plattform U100 has been able to do handovers since 2002/2003. The network operators have reported that Nokia hasn't any mobile which are able to do such a GSM - UMTS handover a few months ago. And also please think about the report from the register, which has been reported that Nokia will not have any UMTS mobile which are able to do video conferencing. In my opinion, when they are able to do it, they will directly put it in their mobiles.

In my opinion we cannot compare Nokia with Ericsson or SE. Ericsson is the absolutly technologie leader and will be also in the future, this is at least is my opinion and I'm not working at Ericsson. But Nokia was the leader in Productmarketing. They have a lot of mobiles which has the same plattform only small design differences. And the users bought the phones.

If both companies will will start again in the 90ties than I think SE will have Nokia positions in market share.
It takes some time and hard work to convince all users that SE make more advanced mobiles.

I'm not a Nokia hater, I'm just comparing technology. And in my opinion it will also be goog for the market and the users if Nokia will not have a "market Monopol". Please give all the other great brands also a good chance to show us how good they phones can be if they have the same money (market share) available as Nokia has.
Posted: 2004-01-29 12:03:11
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Del Posts: > 500

Hi guys, just wondering, do you think that this will be a smart phone or not, I only ask because it seems to have a hell of a lot of good features plus 8 meg internal memory and an mmc slot. Seems like a lot of memory for just a phone.

Posted: 2004-01-30 10:22:03
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SE_believer Posts: 11

Hi Bart,

I have read what you have written in mobile review. Sometimes it seems that you have already seen the t650. Is that right, or do you have more info or may be pictures? I don't want to ask if you could post it anywhere I just would like to know, if you have some more info, than we have?

By the way, that is a shame that we must wait till Q3 for T650. But it seems that Se must create something really new for all of us. may be T650 will have a new user interface, may be it uses palm os. If SE will really wait till Q3 than I'm sure that it will have at least 1 megapixel cam. May 3D gaming and 3D sound also, there must be something new!
Posted: 2004-01-30 23:08:55
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masseur Posts: > 500

well'll continue this one here now...

T650: The first leak of info will be published very soon

Posted: 2004-02-05 08:17:41
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