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goldenface Posts: > 500

Isn't the So902is 3.2mp? This message was posted from a S700
Posted: 2006-02-01 17:21:37
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aydahm Posts: 218

remember the k750's time of rumors and spy photos, in the end, most of them came to be real. thats probably what will happen with these k800 photos
Posted: 2006-02-01 18:12:21
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Mad_Bob Posts: > 500

It looks like another photoshop from Deuxani, all of his photoshops have the same characteristics. Although it is correct that alot of rumoured models come out very similar to these images, i.e the P990 images that where around that were photoshopped and everybody slated appeared to be spot on.

Also that X800's 3D speakers are poo, they are at the top and bottom of the phone, why would SE do that?
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[ This Message was edited by: Mad_Bob on 2006-02-01 23:04 ]
Posted: 2006-02-01 23:41:22
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fatreg Posts: > 500

i want a high end and by high end i mean 8800, that only silly people will buy ie me!!

or something that there will only be a limited run on, just to make it that little bit special!

Posted: 2006-02-01 23:49:33
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kabukijep Posts: 185

If the specs are accurate and this supposedly W800 does have 3G, that little hole in the top left looks more like a light sensor (eg W810) than a 1.3 MP vid call camera to me. It just aint physically big enough to let enough light for it to be a working camera at all. A Nokia-style 3G sans the video call cam, you reckon?

Then again the specs and the images (in that same page) would contradict each other- Anyone else found the pic with the live video call weird? I thought the display on the screen of the phone held by the man looked like the same screen used for a K600 ad

I still like that design very much though!
Posted: 2006-02-02 20:34:49
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goldenface Posts: > 500

If you look carefully at the lens of your K700 etc then you will see that the apeture is about the size of a pinhole. This message was posted from a S700
Posted: 2006-02-03 02:24:55
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kabukijep Posts: 185


yes, but isnt the black recession that leads towards the bottom (the pinhole-size aperture) part of the functional design? It's what focuses all the light emitted by all images (hence what we see, the light, not the object itself) towards that teeny little pinhole. Take that recession off and you can never focus enough light before exposure to make a recognizable image
Posted: 2006-02-03 06:15:09
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goldenface Posts: > 500

Does the W810 have one? I believe that has light sensitive back lighting and keypad, doesn't it? This message was posted from a S700
Posted: 2006-02-03 07:35:54
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kabukijep Posts: 185

yes, there's actually a small hole along the front speaker area of the W810 that works as the light sensor. close-up pics of that part are in eldar's W810 review
Posted: 2006-02-04 12:27:30
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kabukijep Posts: 185

here's a shot of it-

Posted: 2006-02-04 12:52:12
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