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mmsman Posts: > 500

Well the 25th is not a rumour considering it's on the se calendar events schedule... @mmxx dvomim da bo mobisux kej prej zrihtal... This message was posted from a K700i
Posted: 2004-09-21 01:40:22
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davidswan Posts: 9

so this big NY meeting (20th) was just a waste of time as far as announcements are concerned?
Posted: 2004-09-21 01:43:36
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mmxx Posts: 41

strange that no one from NY, papcom event doesnt know for esato.. to post some info or pics.
Posted: 2004-09-21 02:01:52
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yoshi77 Posts: 81

Im in the same time zone as New York, and theres 30 minutes left at the event. Doesnt look like anything has happened or is going to happen today sadly
Posted: 2004-09-21 02:36:06
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maki101 Posts: 207

The event is over and stil no news? Well I'm afraid that we must wait next mounth for new great phone. This message was posted from a Nokia
Posted: 2004-09-21 03:14:50
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davidswan Posts: 9

what a disappointment
Posted: 2004-09-21 03:24:12
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chungagoring Posts: > 500

my representative in spain confirmed to me yesterday that there isn't any presentation or press conference this week. he said nothing about next week, though

anyway, it's funny to see people talking about the 25th JUST when the 19th and 20th have passed... like they knew it was going to be on the 25th since weeks ago

usually sends the invitations for the press conferences a couple of weeks before the date, and nobody has received anything yet.
Posted: 2004-09-21 05:44:57
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pavlov's_dog Posts: 163

this just in: might as well expect the new phones to be announced on CEBIT next year.

this is all BS, if you ask me.
Posted: 2004-09-21 06:04:13
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rraz9228 Posts: 145

i have been waiting for information from a reliable source with connections like you. actually, i check your website many time for this. thanks for the info though.

please give us any updates just in case you get newer info.

Posted: 2004-09-21 06:08:30
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scotsboyuk Posts: > 500

Perhaps the reason we haven't heard anything from the New York event yet is because no one actually knows anyone who was in attendance and we will have to wait for the journalists who were at the event to print something.
Posted: 2004-09-21 06:36:22
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