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Toney_Ericsson Posts: > 500

Dolbe is a gay stalker from a rather pathetic site called where jobless billy no mates hang out, you should of seen how he was trying to slag Sony Ericsson off for not replacing a screen on a P910i that HE damaged himself.

Personally I dont blame Sony Ericsson for telling you what to do Dolbe

Try slagging Sony Ericsson off on this site see how far you get you little queer.

Mods on here may want to know he goes by the name of P910iGuy or P910iKing also hence why he used his other name Dolbe which as you can see was registered a long time ago but has only made a couple posts. This is his "doesnt care if he gets banned name".

Personally I'd ban all the oddballs names and send him packing back to that reject site.

[ This Message was edited by: Toney_Ericsson on 2006-08-23 20:17 ]
Posted: 2006-08-23 14:20:51
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Kwiksta Posts: > 500

On 2006-08-23 14:20:51, Toney_Ericsson wrote:
Dolbe is a gay stalker from a rather pathetic site called where jobless billy no mates hang out, you should of seen how he was trying to slag Sony Ericsson off for not replacing a screen on a P910i that HE damaged himself.

Personally I dont blame Sony Ericsson for telling you what to do Dolbe

Try slagging Sony Ericsson off on this site see how far you get you little queer.

[ This Message was edited by: Toney_Ericsson on 2006-08-23 13:50 ]

I'm with him ^^^

I don't like racists Dolbe...

Posted: 2006-08-23 19:07:48
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DolbE Posts: 8

er toney_ericsson (Adam) slander isn't very nice you know. it seems you just cant get over getting banned from wapoc can you. you poor boy. anyway ive got nothing against sony ericsson it wasn't their falt about my screen not getting replaced. it was ACR Logistics. i had my screen tested by a third partly repair centre and was found to be faulty. i got my monastery back and an apology from sony ericsson.

so are you still stalking me at wapoc under a different username then? i never could quite get rid of you, although i did get you banned 5 times heh.

oh and to the poster who said i was racist i don't know where you got that from, ive never said a bad thing about any race. im a firm believer of one race, the human race. all where created equally on this planet
Posted: 2006-12-03 13:46:36
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DolbE Posts: 8

oops i never had a monastery stupid T9 was supposed to put money heh
Posted: 2006-12-03 13:53:04
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Toney_Ericsson Posts: > 500

Noones ever told him not to mess with people who he does'nt know^

What complete crap Darren you four eyed knob sucker. You were trying to get Sony Ericsson to replace the screen that you had damaged then started throwing you're toys out of you're pram because they would'nt under warrenty haha I find that very funny

Are you trying to say you're not a pikey what with all you're illegal software distribution on and distribution by mail? I'm sure you're isp and local police would be interested in you (esato mods feel free to private message me his ip address i'll do the rest). Even the owner of is a pikey and thats why I got banned because I grassed him up to his host as it is breaking his hosts terms and conditions to use there server space for that kind of illegal activites. I also informed the software companies whos software it was being distributed to which they black listed the serial keys making them useless and rightly so.

I got a nice reward for that information from the companies concerned on my own legitimate subscriptions extending them so cheers for that you little cyber criminal prick! haha

I'm quite suprised roberta (rob the tefal head knob head pikey) hasnt been sued yet. It's well known what his mummy and daddies address is by doing a domain search on, also I've been told what his mobile number is, theres little he can do to run away from the law should any company wish to prosecute him. All this information has been passed onto the companies whos copy righted material he has been distributing.

He'll need more than donations from fellow pikey site users to pay for a fine haha.

I'm still at by the way as I have several usernames and am the master of disguise so theres little you or rob"erta" can do about it.

I see you're running around like a headless chicken in various forums on crapoc making postings about me - how would I know that as apprently as you say I'm banned?, very amusing! ha

Dont even bother private messaging me you're crap via inbox on here you little prick - speak to the hand

Get a job you pikey scum. Also send roberta the tefal head window licker my regards as well as the other window lickers on the sun shine coach with dribble trays fitted to their seats on that oh so pathetic site.

[ This Message was edited by: Toney_Ericsson on 2006-12-05 03:45 ]
Posted: 2006-12-03 22:57:25
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DolbE Posts: 8

oh stick your dummy back in you little grass. well atleast everyone on here knows not to trust you Now. smart move that was telling everyone here your an untrustable grass that would sell anyone out for a reward. oh btw if you're such a regular on wapoc you would know i do work, ive worked as a computer tech for ages now. and as for wapoc, if you hate it so much why cant you stop visiting the site? everyone has forgotten about you, you wasn't important or anything. get over yourself dude. as you did on wapoc your doing here also. your showing your true Nature. your nothing more than a spoilt litte immature boy. you couldn't get your way on wapoc and you wont here either.
Posted: 2006-12-06 17:30:25
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Kwiksta Posts: > 500

Chill Dolbe,

I didnt mean no harm, but I was under the impression you were...

Toney Ericsson told me in a PM:

"...Dolbe is a racist and hates south africans. If you dont beleave me have a look on in the mobiles forum. His name on there is Trouble and a South African user on there is called AW0079. Have a look at what he says to him and then we're see if you think hes funny as he mocks africans all the time on there with his racist comments..."

Posted: 2006-12-06 19:47:50
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DolbE Posts: 8

ok well it seems your the victom of toney-ericssons lies. yes i do not like a person called AW0079. it is nothing to do with his race. everyone on that site including toney-ericsson knows its due to the fact he leaches of people for free software. the person in question once inboxed me and asked what software i had. i told him. his reponse was "i want it all, will you send it all to me?" that was greed, and i dislike greedy people.

toney-ericson is trying to stir up trouble, thats how he kept getting banned from he has a habbit of causeing problems and his attitude you see in this topic is his typical personality.

the reason he dislikes me is because it was me that kept getting him banned. now he has a chip on his shoulder and wants to cause me to get banned from here.

as you can see he resorts to calling names, thats why i called him inmature.
Posted: 2006-12-06 21:37:24
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Toney_Ericsson Posts: > 500

Haha what a liar.

Free software? you mean illegal copy righted software you thief.

You're just a lying pikey, thats all that too it.

View them forums and see how he harrasses AW0079, that says it all. Theres no difference between AW0079 and any of them other pikeys there at crapoc so why does he harrass him.

As I said, I'm sure the companies whos software you are distributing around the country by mail would be very interested in you as well as you're isp as you're illegal activities are breaking you're isp's terms and conditions as well.

People like you are scum and deserve heafty fines.

[ This Message was edited by: Toney_Ericsson on 2006-12-07 15:36 ]
Posted: 2006-12-07 16:34:31
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DolbE Posts: 8

say what you want adam, its only words. i know your a lier ans so does a few hundred members of wapoc. i never sell people software so its not considered distributing. learn your leagal terms idiot. its called file sharing and i dont do it anymore, i havent for years.iven so its not illegal if i dont make any profit. infact i lost money because i payed the shipping costs. and you really need to stop calling people racist, its slander and im sure there are rules about it here. i think i shall be checking into it. maybe i will just get YOU banned for slander and purposely causeing trouble in forums.

you really need to grow up. your atleast 26 now right? well dont you think you should start acting like an adult? at the end of the day your just showing yourself up, calling names, lies and slaander. dont you have one decent thing about yourslef?

well you can continue to rant and call names, the people at wapoc are loving it. i link them to this forum topic just so they can see you havent changed one bit
Posted: 2006-12-07 18:32:34
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