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Sony Ericsson / Sony : UMTS / 3G : K800 Battery cover. Help Please
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haynesycop Posts: > 500


I went to the o2 shop and the guy said he couldn't do it without damaging the phone and said the battery wasn't in flat and was pressing against it.

So i came home and tried with the jam jar opener, it took some doing but it WORKED!!!

Posted: 2006-11-22 10:58:02
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baste07 Posts: > 500

hhahaha good to hear that....

i thought i was the only with that problem before... it took damn too long for me to open it the first time. i hade to use a mini flat screw driver to help wedge the edge so that i can push the cover out. but after that the second time was a charm i guess it will loosen up when you've actually removed the cover a number of times.

i believe this was also the case with my previous phone (k750)
Posted: 2006-11-23 01:30:51
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dchky Posts: 18

Next time try packaging tape, the brown stuff. Stick a long length of it on to your battery cover, enough so that you can get a good grip on, then pull.

Had the same problem with a few k750's.
Posted: 2006-12-09 01:30:47
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hanugro Posts: > 500

I can confirm that putting/using both of your thumb to slide the batt cover work for me the first time.
Posted: 2006-12-11 16:03:09
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faloc Posts: 1

I have the same problem with my K800i James Bond Edition -_-

I got sooo F**KING pist!!! I used my thumbs, towel, shirt, small flat screw driver (only makes stupid scratches) and Ive even used my nails. NOTHING worked!!!.... Maybe throwing it against a wall will work (Dont want to try that). I give up. It would be impossible to change the card now -.-

1 word: Well done Sony Ericsson...You've just ruined a very nice phone... lol

[ This Message was edited by: faloc on 2006-12-17 22:45 ]
Posted: 2006-12-17 23:42:58
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aremaboy Posts: > 500

I have no issue in removing the battery opens up just easily..I guess the problem appears when you put the cover wrongly in the careful or your toy is wrecked..
Posted: 2006-12-18 04:33:00
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