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bulukaki Posts: 107

does anyone know if this feature is available on any network in US? I'm on TMobile and they never advertise or write anything about video call (on website/manual/in person). I'd really like to try one if possible. should be better quality than using an instant messenger on the computer?
Posted: 2007-09-19 23:32:20
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gola Posts: > 500

once,it never worked ever,called my sister while we were both in the same house...
Posted: 2007-09-19 23:44:35
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NightBlade Posts: > 500

On 2007-09-19 23:32:20, bulukaki wrote:
does anyone know if this feature is available on any network in US? I'm on TMobile and they never advertise or write anything about video call (on website/manual/in person). I'd really like to try one if possible. should be better quality than using an instant messenger on the computer?

I don't think the US has UMTS...
Posted: 2007-09-19 23:54:24
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VassetZ Posts: 22

i tried video call in sofia, and im very happy with this function on my phone:)
Posted: 2007-09-28 21:32:42
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MWEB Posts: > 500

As Dogmann says if you have kids it can be usefull, used it now and again, as with ALL features, i would rather have it and NOT use it, than not have it at all and be bereft of having the option.
Posted: 2007-09-28 21:37:11
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BobaFett Posts: > 500

On 2007-09-05 03:04:42, *Jojo* wrote:

On 2007-08-21 10:53:45, Aivar wrote:
I tried videocall to my home country Estonia when I was in Japan. First it did not worked because of my home operator settings. Then operator changed something and I made some videocalls.

. . . . oh this is GREAT ! I thought the video-calls are allowed ONLY-locally I mean, not from country-to-country . . .

i called threex first time almost 2 years ago, i was in austria and he in sweden. video calls depends on the ops, if they support it or not. if yes, i could call u too
Posted: 2007-09-29 04:48:52
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bballs91 Posts: 28

I tried it once when I was on vacation in Germany, and I really liked it. I can't see it being something I will use very often, but it is definitely cool. Maybe someday we will get it working properly in USA .
Posted: 2007-10-04 22:08:43
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Frubin Posts: > 500

I rarely use Video calling but when i exprienced a bit of a problem with it.

I called my boy-friend who is on Orange and has the K810i as well. After 3 seconds it went to a Orange video voicemail messaging service and the phone seemed to freeze with an hour glass on the callers window but my video feed was ok. I had a option to leave a message using the # key or end the call which wasn't responding either so the only way reset it is take the battery out and in again. I tried 3 times and it did the same. When my boy-friend video called me it worked ok.

I tried again and rang my boy-friend and then transfered it to a video call and it worked. After that i tried using it though the menu and it worked ok.
I also seem to get disconnected or when ends and i try calling back again the same problem appears.

I phoned Orange and reported the problem to them and they told me they will pass it onto thier techinical team. They told me the handset may need to be returned if there is a fault. I think it it got to do with Orange's the 3G network rather than my phone.

So as you can now see my Video calling seems to be bit tempermental at the moment so i don't tend to use it.

[ This Message was edited by: Frubin on 2007-10-04 21:43 ]
Posted: 2007-10-04 22:41:43
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