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rhybo Posts: 25

Lets be honest, that amount of free data is a waste of time. I'm talking about 200mb or more a month for free.

This message was posted from a K800i
Posted: 2008-01-13 02:36:49
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ben0667 Posts: 80

£7.00 unlimited data addon
Posted: 2008-01-13 04:21:00
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Daedalus85 Posts: > 500

On 2008-01-13 02:36:49, rhybo wrote:
I'm talking about 200mb or more a month for free.

Yeah, and while their at it, they'll give you a free flying pony named Bob and a gold weaved carpet made by blind nuns. Every month, for 18 months.

In otherwords, 200MB a month free is financial suicide, I really wish people would give the f-ing networks a break and stop expecting everything their heart desires given to them on a plate for nothing...
Posted: 2008-01-13 11:20:55
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Daedalus85 Posts: > 500

Just to give you an idea, as I just realised, 200MB per month to each and every of O2's estimated 17m customers in the UK alone is 38910TB (yes, TB) per year.
Posted: 2008-01-13 18:18:43
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p900 lover Posts: > 500

iv been with o2 for a while now and never really had any problems, their coverage has always really good for me.

Just wondering for those that work at o2 im getting a staff discount 30% on my tariff, just waiting for o2 to change my billing onto some other system so i can get the discount, aparently you ned to do this for upgrades and just wondering if i should wait till next month as iv heard new tariffs are coming out?

any truth in this?

Posted: 2008-01-18 15:16:25
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danarc Posts: 36

what have you heard about the new tarrifs?
Posted: 2008-01-20 00:31:44
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Paul_C Posts: 249

Do tell about these rumored new tariffs! Is it true?? I am holding off upgrading in anticipation
Posted: 2008-01-20 01:24:14
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darrengf Posts: > 500

I have been with O2 for the last year and its a massive improvement over Orange.

2g signal for me is excellent, very rare i get any problems where ever i go in to the uk.

3g signal is well extremely poor. I live in a town and get 2g only, I have to travel at least 10 miles to at least pick a 3g signal up. I dont even think 3g is gr8 when you get it in cities etc.

GPRS - Edge, Very good, never had a problems at all.

Video calls are smooth (When i have 3g coverage) and they are removed from your allocation of mins.

MMS has never failed me.

They are the cheapest network aborad for most of there calls and if you are on contract and have a sms allowence, you can use your allowence aborad from mms and sms. (1 sms from aborad will remove 4 from the allowence)

The Wap bundle i have is gr8, I can use it on everything and its never failed.

** Customer care is extremely good, Never had a problem at all, staff are friendly and very helpful. If they are unsure, they will try to find out for you.

I have heard the same about the Tarrifs, very tight lipped tho
Posted: 2008-01-20 01:34:54
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Paul_C Posts: 249

Darren - I too moved from Orange to O2 due to me getting sod all Orange signal in my new house, O2 has no such bother! I havnt even bothered upgrading my O2 Sim to 3G because my town has no 3G coverage, I also have to drive 10 miles or so to get 3G, I can live without that tho

Otherwise Im very pleased with O2!!
Posted: 2008-01-20 01:58:51
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p900 lover Posts: > 500

Somethig like a o2 to o2 unlimited calls bolt on, not sure how true it is jsut heard it from a mate who works at o2. cant be 100%sure tho
Posted: 2008-01-23 18:38:09
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