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CrackerJack Posts: > 500

@Flying Finn

Could you please post a pic of you using the NGage as a phone. Is it true that it looks like you are talking through a taco?

When I buy a phone, I'd like to use all the features. I want to be able to make a call without having to plug a headset first.
Posted: 2003-11-30 06:32:23
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hurny Posts: 350

Aw look- dazbradbury went and did himself up for a photo, but then he has that blue hemorrhoid hanging off his ear!
And you pick on the N-gage? What the hells wrong with you? The N-gage is unreal!!

Good Job SE Indonesia for showing the real photo!
Hows that beautiful 6600 going? I'm getting one ASAP!!

I'm getting sick of these SE users Finn!!
Posted: 2003-11-30 07:46:29
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Super G Posts: > 500

@sony_eric: It has all these, of course. It also has bluetooth, audio input (you can plug eg CD player and record), etc. This message was posted from a Nokia
Posted: 2003-11-30 09:58:36
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Sony Ericsson Indonesia Posts: > 500

when you do get the 6600 pm me ill send u the games
Posted: 2003-11-30 11:19:14
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hurny Posts: 350

On 2003-11-30 11:19:14, Sony Ericsson Indonesia wrote:
when you do get the 6600 pm me ill send u the games

For sure!! It should be coming this week.
Posted: 2003-11-30 17:36:34
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Flying Finn Posts: > 500

On 2003-11-28 22:06:00, grex wrote:
@dazbradbury you are one good looking guy! and the n-gage? yeah, spend forty quid on ps1 quality games...? nice waste of money there!

The games may be but the N-Gage isn't a waste of money. You get all of 3650's features minus the camera and IrDa plus an MP3 player and FM radio for half the price. Where's the waste of money there? And sure, you can play N-Gage games on 6600 but you must pay more than twice the N-Gage's price to get the 6600. And the keypad causes problems.

On 2003-11-29 23:40:31, obsixx wrote:
Quick question flying finn, if you wouldn't buy a gba souly for gaming what would you buy it for? It doesn't do anything else.

This message was posted from a T610

That was to say I didn't buy the N-Gage souly for gaming. I wanted its other features too which I can't get with GBA.

On 2003-11-30 04:52:33, sony_eric wrote:
@finn what about gprs, mms, wap capabilities?

This message was posted from a T310

Excellent. All are easy to set up and fast. The screen really does justice to Internet/WAP browsing, the WAP shortcut key is nice too and MMS even supports video attachments. Couldn't be better, really.

On 2003-11-30 06:32:23, CrackerJack wrote:
@Flying Finn

Could you please post a pic of you using the NGage as a phone. Is it true that it looks like you are talking through a taco?

When I buy a phone, I'd like to use all the features. I want to be able to make a call without having to plug a headset first.

Taco isn't a part of the Finnish food culture so I wouldn't know (we haven't been that Americanised yet - thank God). Personally I don't care how it looks, it's the (excellent) voice quality that's more important to me.

About those funny pictures.. with those looks on their faces I think it's irrelevant what they hold on their ears. And the pics were they have PS2's, monitors etc...they would be equally funny no matter how they held them, sidetalking, toptalking or whatever. Comparing talking on the N-Gage to talking on an Xbox or whatever is like saying "when I hold this Xbox on my ear this way, it looks sensible, but when I hold it this way, it looks funny as hell". Oh well.

I consider the N-Gage a good phone and an excellent smartphone (all the applications, connectivity, etc). Dazbizbong, would those guys look less funny if they had a P900 on their ear? I don't think so.

[ This Message was edited by: Flying Finn on 2003-11-30 21:19 ]
Posted: 2003-11-30 21:45:11
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dazbradbury Posts: > 500

lol, well this is turning into an interesting discussion, I actually submitted that photo for, I thought it would be funny to be honest, I hardly made myself look nice, I have a beard! I'm sure you can think of some better personal attacks.

and here is a photo of a kool n-gage user...

That anyone on here?!

or maybe ??

Sorry but I dont consider the n-gage a serious phone, nor do i consider it a serious gaming device. But again, that's just my opinion.

Posted: 2003-11-30 21:52:18
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hurny Posts: 350

On 2003-11-30 21:52:18, dazbradbury wrote:
Sorry but I dont consider the n-gage a serious phone, nor do i consider it a serious gaming device. But again, that's just my opinion.

How can you not think it is a serious phone?
I think you need to look up phone in the dictionary.

I think Nokia were serious when they made it. It is indeed a phone.

PLUS it plays cool games too.
Posted: 2003-12-01 08:55:32
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robbie261071 Posts: 9

well, I am seriously thinking to buy a n-gage....

I have a t68i too, but I just love gaming. so besides my ps2, nin64, gb an pc, I want that phone!!!!

thanks for the visualised revieuws!!! lol
:) :)

(you touch the screen with your fingers everytime you make a call, don't you?)
(that's irri...)

Posted: 2004-02-19 14:41:27
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superunknown Posts: > 500

Thanks for the info:) This message was posted from a T610
Posted: 2004-02-19 15:02:47
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