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Payalnik Posts: 380

I think we can trust Eldar. He told about the new models without doubt on his forum. Btw, i've posted it before but no one heard. This message was posted from a R520
Posted: 2004-05-15 23:27:22
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folling182 Posts: 368

yes mmsman, you are right, this is the rumors section,but its not the "wild guess section" most of the things that people that i mentioned on my last post, do deserve to be on the garbage section!
and to tell you the truth, i dont give a F _ _ K if people agree with me or not, im just telling things as they are.
And as you said, Eldar is normally right, "normally" "usually" "often" are all adverbs that describe the result of something that is not certain, hense its not always true.

Some people can guess the numbers of the new models to come, but not everyone has the same luck as to get so many right.
Example, you can guess the lottery numbers every week for ten years, and one day guess them right, and proclaim to be really inteligent,etc...

Anyways, you can do what you like, 'cause while you eternally wait for a phone to come out, i will probably buy a k700.

Thats the second of my 2 cents
Posted: 2004-05-15 23:28:28
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Payalnik Posts: 380

In my opinion, i should not wait for the new models to be presented if i want a new phone. It' gonna take a long long time to be available in shops. But its interesting to see the cutting edge of hitech! This message was posted from a R520
Posted: 2004-05-15 23:37:13
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Ninjaturtle Posts: 296

I know i should not participate in this debate, but... i know alot about prototype models and the coming SE phones.

I DO know that Eldar knows what he is talking about. You should trust him.

It's SO SO SO easy to be negative, but if you take a look back in history, you'll see that Eldar was right almost all the time. (remember the T630 prediction that everybody doubted??)

Anyway, take it from someone that knows. Eldar is right, the doubters are wrong.
Posted: 2004-05-15 23:47:52
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folling182 Posts: 368

like i said before,i dont care if people agree with me or not, but it is a very logical opinion.
SE always follow sequences when naming mobile phone, and they have a letter depending of what kind of phone it is (Z=clamshell, P=smartphone,etc)
So this makes guessing very easy,and seeing as its easy,it makes it so that any inteligent guess could be correct (following the sequences,etc)

Posted: 2004-05-16 00:01:56
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Ninjaturtle Posts: 296

Hmm.. i wish your post made as much sense as you (i think) tried to tell us about the sense that SE's naming of phones made.

[ This Message was edited by: Ninjaturtle on 2004-05-15 23:20 ]
Posted: 2004-05-16 00:04:45
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Payalnik Posts: 380

The specs are a lot more interesting tham model names! This message was posted from a R520
Posted: 2004-05-16 00:05:20
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masseur Posts: > 500

having locked this late last night I have now cleaned up a little and am prepared to let this continue.

you have both (you know who you are) made your point but as this was going nowhere I'll ask that we now continue with the original purpose of the thread which is the discussion of the rumoured (i.e. un-announced) models rather than discussing/arguing who is right or wrong which, for these models, is an issue that only time can resolve.

rumour threads are, by definition, discussions of possible future models where no facts have been announced by the manufacturer or where some details may have been obtained by a lucky few but which are certainly subject to change if/when such a model is announced. Its also a place where members can wish for what they would like in such models in the hope that maybe, just maybe, a manufacturer might take some notice

Arguing who is right or wrong is not really relevant so I will remove, without notice, any further personal remarks or further discussion regarding that. thanks!
Posted: 2004-05-16 09:39:11
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gforce23 Posts: > 500

I can only wish that this phone has duo pro support. This message was posted from a WAP device
Posted: 2004-05-16 10:05:30
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Ninjaturtle Posts: 296

Ok, i get the point Masseur. I'll be a little bit more constructive. I just got carried away yesterday i guess.

Anyway... I called my friend at SE and no memorystick duo pro i'm afraid.
Posted: 2004-05-16 10:17:38
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