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Sony Ericsson / Sony : UMTS / 3G : wi-fi or 3g?
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scotsboyuk Posts: > 500


I use a mixture of GPRS and Wi-Fi. Admittedly Wi-Fi is better when I am able to use it, but until we have city wide Wi-Fi coverage I don't see myself giving up GPRS.

I think a single, global standard would be the ideal solution, one that allows both data and phonecalls. I wonder how long we will be waiting for that?

"I may be drunk my dear woman, but in the morning I will be sober, and you will still be ugly." WSC

[ This Message was edited by: scotsboyuk on 2004-12-08 15:50 ]
Posted: 2004-12-08 16:48:06
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masseur Posts: > 500

I have seen technology sometime this year that supposedly lets you auto switch from gprs to wifi and back but I haven't heard anything recently about it actually being available.

when I get some time, now that I have all this wifi coverage, I really want to check out VOIP (voice over IP) and see if I can't save a bit more money using that. worth a go anyway
Posted: 2004-12-08 16:53:46
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Aivar Posts: > 500

On 2004-12-08 16:48:06, scotsboyuk wrote:

I think a single, global standard would the ideal solution, one that allows both data and phonecalls. I wonder how long we will be waiting for that?

Good comment! But maybe it will never happen, because industrial (technical) enterprises wants make money. More products (solutions) give more chance to earn...
Posted: 2004-12-08 16:55:12
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scotsboyuk Posts: > 500


That sounds rather interesting, the GPRS/Wi-Fi switching I mean.
Posted: 2004-12-08 16:55:47
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Leks Posts: > 500

Just a noobish Q:
What is WiFi
Posted: 2004-12-08 17:22:42
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scotsboyuk Posts: > 500


Wirleless broadband internet.
Posted: 2004-12-08 23:35:20
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lazn Posts: > 500

too bad that the 4G will only start developing at 2010

my fried works for a new company in russia ....they are suppling the networks in japan the info & stuff about the 4th G .....

the equipment for the antanas & for the networks server will be avilable to other suppliers & companies only in one year .....
i expirinced the 4G in japan ( when i went with my friend too japan .. )
& they succeeded to reach 123 Mb's ( downloading ... ) .i think that the way for a trully 4G is still far away in it will be "OK" only at 2011 ...
Posted: 2004-12-16 01:53:42
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sranjanm2002 Posts: 271

See i think Mobile Internet or 3G here is better then wifi as far as coverage is concerned. You can surf Internet while travelling but in case of wifi you have to be at one place. Wifi is also not free inmost of the cases and free wifi is always comes with the stream of viruses etc.


[ This Message was edited by: sranjanm2002 on 2008-01-05 08:20 ]
Posted: 2008-01-05 09:20:25
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carkitter Posts: > 500

Wifi or 3G? I'd say both!

I have a 3G phone (V630i) and make video calls only to people within my Account plan. These calls are free within my plan.

I also have a 1GB/month 3G data plan to provide HSDPA to my laptop but not to the V630i I intend to get a Vodafone 3G Wifi Router and Wifi compatible phone one day so that I can take advantage of internet on mutiple devices at home plus publicly accessable Wifi which is slowly arriving here in NZ.

Basically, find a good Network provider and keep in regular contact with them through Customer Services and thier Website.
Posted: 2008-01-06 03:28:21
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Dogmann Posts: > 500

Hi all,

Wow this was s seriously old thread and as we know 3G is now rolled out by many Networks in fact we are now seeing HSDPA being rolled out by most Networks and in the UK we already have 3.6mbps and 7.2mbps is being rolled out now which really is starting to offer us Broadband speeds on our Mobile devcies.


Nokia N95 8GB, SU-8W, Fring, Vox, Tom Tom 6, Shure EC2g
Honoured to have won BEST DEBATER

[ This Message was edited by: Dogmann on 2008-01-06 02:42 ]
Posted: 2008-01-06 03:41:03
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