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lesneo Posts: 482

To set the record straight, Apple has confirmed that they are indeed teaming up with Motorola to incorporate iTune within the "next generation mobile phone". This will not take place til next year, probably after 2nd half.

Check this out:

IMHO, Apple has already lost lots of time for a smartphone. Even her beautiful iPod design, which can be easily incorporated into a mobile phone, has been "stolen". Check out O2's latest XDA II Mini, it should be what Apple's smartphone design from her famous iPod, ought to be.

For the time being, P910 is still my favourite... though the Treo 600/650 is by far the friendliest in a Mac environment.
Posted: 2004-12-07 17:08:05
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blackspot Posts: > 500

Apple and motorola has been in alliance for a long time (Apple's processors are motorola since the early Apple computers) so this move is very logical for Apple. I just don't know how this will affect motorola's mobile phone market.
Posted: 2004-12-08 02:52:41
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axxxr Posts: > 500

Quote: Engagdet

Quote:Not that this is really gonna convince anyone that Apple is really working on a cellphone, but Tony Ricciardi from TreoMac relates this story which jibes with what we’d heard from one of our sources told us last week, namely that Apple has been showing off a cellphone prototype to potential partners:

I was on a train this weekend, watching an episode of the Simpsons on my Treo 600. The gentleman sitting across from me asked me how I liked the phone. I told him I loved it and we began a tech conversation. He mentioned that he worked for Motorola. I told him I was a Macintosh consultant, and then he dropped the bomb! “I’ve got a scoop for you”, he teased.
Apparently some of his associates had been telling him earlier in the week about an Apple branded phone that had been circulating around the office at Motorola. The phone had Motorola components, but most certainly had Apple brandings on it. He said that he did not have a chance to handle the phone, but that his direct supervisor did. The phone was “sleek and sexy” in her words. He mentioned that there was talk amongst the people who had seen it that iTunes and iPhoto would factor into this device somehow. They also said that the phone had a slot on the top (media slot?) as well as what looked to be a USB 2.0 port on the bottom.
Anyway, like we said before, we’re fairly confident that Apple has at least been showing off a prototype for a cellphone, we just don’t know whether they’ll actually ever come out with one or not. Definitely sounds like they’re exploring their options, though. We’d kill for some spy pics.

Posted: 2004-12-08 21:19:12
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*Jojo* Posts: > 500

A bit off-topic, but still 'quite' related . . . IBM has just been SOLD to a Chinese firm (forgot the name here) ! They now HOLD the 'majority' of stocks at IBM . . .
Posted: 2004-12-09 14:55:33
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namal Posts: 279

What? I thought ibm still got enough strength atleast in server market. As for apple, im waiting to see a lovely interface in their new phone. I hope they would keep the 20gb hdd of ipod mini in there new phone and solve the memory prob forever, and include a 16:9 touch screen. And i DONT hope them to make it only compatible with mac! This message was posted from a WAP device
Posted: 2004-12-10 12:07:12
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axxxr Posts: > 500

On 2004-12-10 12:07:12, namal wrote:
I hope they would keep the 20gb hdd of ipod mini in there new phone and solve the memory prob forever, and include a 16:9 touch screen. And i DONT hope them to make it only compatible with mac!

Now thats wishfull thinking!....But i seriously doubt it will be specified to that degree.
Posted: 2004-12-12 18:20:24
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blackspot Posts: > 500

yeah, it should be compatible to as much as possible any OS. Keeping the microdrive might be a bad idea for the mobile phone as it would make the battery drain a lot faster.
Posted: 2004-12-13 04:34:15
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sapporobaby Posts: > 500

I hope and pray that Apple will not take the plunge into the phone market. The market is too volitile and not a very friendly place. Second, Apple would have to invest large amounts of capital just to begin and more to keep up. They are turning a nice profit with the iPod and cross-over from people making the switch to Mac in-leu of the iPod. Telephones are not Apples core biz. Music players and very nice computers are. I know that there is sort of an FMC on the horizon but Apple would be better off supplying only the content and let SE, Motocrapola, Nokia and the others fight it out. Why waste the funds on something that is not garanteed?

Also, the issue of price will come into play. Apple products tend to be more expensive than the other products on the market and people complain constantly about this. Not to mention those that continue to whine about the price fo the s700. There is no way that this phone will sell for less than say $1200 to $1500. I can see the uprising already in the ranks, (no offense Indian guys, but you are the biggest price "mentioners" in the forum), from the faithful as well as those who want this new phone and Apple will not bend to price pressure.

[ This Message was edited by: sapporobaby on 2004-12-13 07:30 ]
Posted: 2004-12-13 08:25:57
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Satsuma Posts: 34

Nokia are already planning music phones.
They've said so openly, they've talked about HDD in their phones next year and most will have seen the leaked prototype pix of a nokia with a iPod style wheel.

Who wants to carry around a music player and a phone if they can have both (at high quality) in one device?

Also consider that mnost operators have realised that music related downloads are going to be one of their best revenue earners for 3G.

So Apple will have an eye on the future, It will want its iTunes on mobile phones - hence the the announcement with Motorola (a company Apple are already close to).

Whether we see an Apple-branded handset or not - I don't know.
If we do, it will likely have Motorola innards.

I can imagine many people would buy such a phone purely because of the branding.

So if there's any Apple execs reading this - yes, go for it !!!
Posted: 2004-12-15 16:31:28
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axxxr Posts: > 500

Via: Forbes Article

Apple Computer and Motorola could soon show us the mobile phone they are developing to play music purchased from Apple's iTunes online music store.

"We've said we have something coming on this in the first half of 2005 and we're definitely on schedule for that. Hopefully you'll be able to see more about it soon," says Eddy Cue, vice president in charge of applications at Apple.
Posted: 2004-12-17 13:31:55
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