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badassmam Posts: > 500

Early signs that Xperia sales were terrible last quarter, I think this is the end for their mobile business and I'm not even exaggerating unless people buy Xperia 1 but as it's late, it's also going to flop. Really disappointing but I thought this would happen.
Posted: 2019-04-27 09:27:49
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ascariss Posts: > 500

Similar situation occurred with Vaio, sales were dropping and Sony decided to change things up with the brand to focus it more and cut costs. We know how that turned out.
Posted: 2019-04-27 17:32:46
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Hawk12 Posts: > 500

Different story.

Years ago if you wanted to access internet, receive/send emails, play many kind of games, write documents etc you needed a computer.
What if Samsung starts to gain market share of sensors or Apple creates a console, will they also shut down Semicon and PS?

**can someone check the info 1 would be 120Hz? Sumaho says it is on sony china page but I did not found. i do t know if it's website or weibo account.
[ This Message was edited by: Hawk12 on 2019-04-27 17:45 ]

Posted: 2019-04-27 18:34:50
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Nevewolf Posts: 128

The 120hz is just on the Hong Kong page.
Posted: 2019-04-27 20:22:26
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ascariss Posts: > 500

On 2019-04-27 18:34:50, Hawk12 wrote:
Different story.

Years ago if you wanted to access internet, receive/send emails, play many kind of games, write documents etc you needed a computer.
What if Samsung starts to gain market share of sensors or Apple creates a console, will they also shut down Semicon and PS?

Years ago? Maybe when there were no smartphones, but even then there was some PDAs and blackberrys which had some sort of email programs on them and even basic internet, WAP. Slowly but surely with the advent of faster cell networks, and arrival of 3G in smartphones, people could easily use their smartphones for such things like email, web browsing, games.

When Sony announced the closure of Vaio, in feb/march 2014 I was using a samsung S2 which was a pretty decent phone imo, and I used it a lot for emails, web browsing, facebook, etc. Don't think may people would write large documents on the phones, but could with plenty of office like programs on android even then. I bought my Z1 in April of 2014 once the closure was for certain and by July 2014 when the sale closed, my Z1 was my main media device for checking/sending emails, browsing the web, twitter, facebook, etc.

There are a few reasons why Vaio suffered, some blame is Sony's, some is the market. Smartphones where growing in popularity and people were opting to spend their money on smartphones rather than laptops/pcs. So changing market trends def hurt Vaio, but it also hurt other companies, like dell, hp, etc. But Vaio also had it's problems because Sony is Sony and did not always release the best they could.

Sure their high end Z line was great, with possibly the first to feature an external graphics dock, but it was also super expensive. Other devices had build quality issues and failing parts. Basically it came down to Sony charging premium price for non premium parts in most of their laptops. Some of the screens Sony used on their high end models also were lackluster, my Vaio SA had a really poor quality screen for the price I paid.

Vaio sales were never amazing...

and as that graph shows, once they peaked, they just dropped and finally 2013/2014, Sony sold vaio.

Here are the market share for xperia.

To think Sony once shipped more than a 100 million units in 2007? Shocking. The drop to around 30 million units was drastic but it kept steady for a while and even grew to 40 million, but then after 2015, the drop in sales was quite significant, 2018 had 6.5 million units, ouch. Sony said 5 million this year, so more drop, if things continue like this, no point in keeping a money losing operation. With Xperia leaving more markets around the world, not sure how you can increase sales in other main regions if your products are not what people want.

As for the point about samsung sensors and apple console. Samsung already sells their sensors to sony, they used them on their new phones, so who knows what market share they own of mobile sensors. They already sell a lot with their phones so perhaps Samsung's mobile sensor share is more than Sony's. Sure Sony still has advantage in full size sensors and for photography since I doubt samsung has any sort of presence there.

As for apple making a console, probably not going to happen (gaming is not something apple does for now..), but if Apple did make a console and crushed microsoft and sony's market share to single digits, no use in keeping consoles that don't sell and bleed your company money, and I don't mean losing money for 1 or 2 years, because Sony has already taken losses in PS. But then Sony also makes a 30% cut on all the games old on the PS4, so apart from console sales, Sony also has game sales and their subscription services on console which also generate income.[....]a-loss-on-playstation-4-sales/

Even microsoft lost money on their xbox models for a time. But imagine, 5 years, or more of losses in a business, not sustainable, especially in a publicly traded company like Sony.

So not a different story, same story, sales are dropping for Xperia like Vaio with Sony exiting quite a few markets which will hurt sales even more. Perhaps Sony can turn things around, and if you asked me a few years ago if they should keep Xperia, I would have said yes wholeheartedly but now, it doesn't matter, Vaio went away, people moved on eventually to other brands, same thing will happen with xperia fans, they will eventually move onto another brand if Xperia is shut down. Sony already profits from their mobile sensor business, so might as well keep investing there where it makes money already.

tl;dr version, sales are dropping like crazy for Xperia like they did with Vaio, exiting markets will not help.

Sony has a strategy meeting on 21 May 2019, so perhaps then Sony will lay out their plans for xperia.
[ This Message was edited by: ascariss on 2019-04-27 19:56 ]

Posted: 2019-04-27 20:54:26
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Hawk12 Posts: > 500

Sony has about 50% of all camera sensors sold on Earth.
I just gave examples.

So according to them, leaving a business is easier than trying to changes things?

Camera market is decreasing, still they are making more money.
So it is possible to turn things around.
Does not make sense to increase interation between mobile and other divisions if you have no plans to keep making phones in 2020/2021.

Looks like xz3 was the best seller among the 4 flagships 2018.
[ This Message was edited by: Hawk12 on 2019-04-27 21:07 ]

Posted: 2019-04-27 22:06:22
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ascariss Posts: > 500

On 2019-04-27 22:06:22, Hawk12 wrote:
Sony has about 50% of all camera sensors sold on Earth.
I just gave examples.

So according to them, leaving a business is easier than trying to changes things?

Camera market is decreasing, still they are making more money.
So it is possible to turn things around.
Does not make sense to increase interation between mobile and other divisions if you have no plans to keep making phones in 2020/2021.

Looks like xz3 was the best seller among the 4 flagships 2018.
[ This Message was edited by: Hawk12 on 2019-04-27 21:07 ]

How long has Sony been trying turn around mobile?? Feels like forever. It worked a bit when they had those few good years of increasing sales but then things tanked again and now sales are very disappointing. The joining of the mobile unit into the television, audio and camera segments was needed to lower development costs, simple as that. Sony could have done this years ago but was too determined to turn around mobile, but that did not happen.

Cutting 2000 jobs is another way to save costs, along with moving the manufacturing from china to Thailand. Sure Sony will try to save as much as they can, and maybe these initiatives will help and decrease the losses mobile has had.

For now I am skeptical, hopefully Sony can prove me wrong but announcing phones in February and selling them in may is not the way forward. Sony used to do this, then stopped and now looks like they are back to their old habits.
Posted: 2019-04-27 23:17:40
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profyler Posts: 105

We all saw this coming
Posted: 2019-04-27 23:46:38
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Hawk12 Posts: > 500

If you all buy PS5 and their 8K tv next year , this money will cover the hole.
Getting the upcoming A9 II on xmas will help too ...

They also said they can start to make money by 2021.
Posted: 2019-04-28 02:05:07
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ascariss Posts: > 500

PS5 is coming near or before christmas 2020, so the mobile division may be gone by then
Posted: 2019-04-28 04:15:05
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