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badassmam Posts: > 500

Now is the time to cut the portfolio. Xperia 1 (4K), Xperia 1 regular qHD and much smaller size then call it a day. Offer Moto maker style custom colour and that's it, people buy online and we get an idea of sales that way. Make some money and sit quietly, exist like Asus phones and give us something to buy without promising they are anything more.
Posted: 2019-04-28 08:21:31
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Hawk12 Posts: > 500

Moto maker was very nice idea, but easy to do because the back was removable.
It is like buying back cover on internet and switch at home.

I wish there was options to choose a device according to RAM/ROM.
For example :

L3 : 3/16 and 3/32 10/10+ : 4/32 and 4/64
1: 6/64, 6/128, 6/256 ( looks like there is 6/64 for japanese carriers)

Then you pay according to what you get ...
It's crap when 32 or 64Gb are what you need but you need to pay for 128 or more because there is one version only.
If I could have 1 with 4/32 I'd be very satisfied.

BONUS 1: Someone posted this on weibo , but I have no idea if this account is reliable.

" A flower should not say that MFT can't do 8K. Sony will release at least seven models worldwide in 2019. One of them will be a giant including the announced equipment. Some of them may not be equipped with a dual camera with a large pixel + ToF sensor in the other."


I dont know if it is because of screen, wall is bit blueish. But photos looks very good.
[ This Message was edited by: Hawk12 on 2019-04-28 17:07 ]

Posted: 2019-04-28 13:09:38
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ascariss Posts: > 500

Please move xperia 1 discussion to the xperia 1 thread, it doesn't belong here anymore.
Posted: 2019-04-28 18:34:27
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-XYZ Posts: > 500

Problem is investors and shareholders tbh.
If they see something bad happening, they're immediately talking about cutting that shit off. Despite being as successful as they frequently are in matters of finance, they seem to not really understand a damn thing about corporate strategy and how to turn a brand around. I guess it might be quicker to see a return on investment from the jettisoning of an underperforming division rather than waiting for the company to turn it around.

I believe the Xperia divison can be turned around, it just needs proper investment and direction. And a long term plan.
Posted: 2019-04-28 23:05:06
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Ppl Posts: > 500

This "Will they, won't they?" crap is hurting the brand and making them look weak. And they keep making mistakes and stupid decisions right and left. They retreated from markets they actually have a little presence for countries like US where nobody even reviews their phones.

Selling in a handful of markets won't increase sales. Neither making the flagship feel old before it's even released. If they didn't announce it, at least bits of info would have made the news keeping the hype alive. They kill their own buzz.
Cost cutting on the wrong areas like a Sony phone without a Sony sensor like wtf. Don't make these. The soc and configuration etc.

If this midrange 7" is real make it bezelless with a pop-up selfie. They don't have IP rating anyway.
Look at this shot. It's not specified but from the noise levels it looks like the brighter one is xz3. The other one is too dark. This was present in their slides too. Yes it's sharp and clean but people will prefer brighter ones.
Posted: 2019-04-29 10:10:19
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Hawk12 Posts: > 500

Looks like 1 will use stacking.
XZ3 shot probably has 2x the iso.
If both were shot on AS.

Some ppl there should be more patient.
8 years ago nobody thought Sony could be a strong camera contender.
Now they lead the FFM market.
Not only sales, but most advanced products too.
And we all knew camera market has lost sales since 2010.
But they did not give up.

Maybe if they focus on flagships only.
Previous flagship is always better than current midrange, no matter brand.
Posted: 2019-04-29 11:47:24
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Ppl Posts: > 500

7 phones a year is not too many. Samsung has like 6-7 flagship variations only. And it's not like they are keeping L3 up to date, or release fast updates for the 10s. And 1 is not even out yet. If they made actually desirable midrange it'd sell. And yes keep the older ones on the shelves too.

The mirrorless wins because of its innovation and price where big names got stuck with their old habits. Cam purpose is limited. Smartphone market is different. Sony is like the Xiaomi of cams with their a7iii and its aggressive pricing. Smartphone division acts like it's lost already.
Posted: 2019-04-29 13:09:34
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Hawk12 Posts: > 500

Looks like new battery feature is coming.
To control when charging starts and ends?

Something I dont understand.
OP and Google sell less phones than Sony but does not lose all that money.

Except Samsung, Huawei, Apple, Oppo, Xiaomi, Vivo, LG , Motorola and HMD, the rest does not sell 10mi units per year.
[ This Message was edited by: Hawk12 on 2019-04-29 13:15 ]

Posted: 2019-04-29 13:36:13
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Ppl Posts: > 500

Yeah it's like battery care but with custom hours I think.

Isn't operating loss their biggest? Op doesn't sell through stores right? Do they even give in-country warranty everywhere? Google also does only flagships and in limited availability. Sony on the other hand, had global sales channels and service centers and staff etc. That must be why they are limiting their markets. To be more like Google maybe. But Google already makes the android and profits from it. I'm curious to know if the likes of op and Google actually have profitable smartphone businesses. Do they release reports?
Posted: 2019-04-29 15:01:02
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Hawk12 Posts: > 500

About OP, I think they count as BBK.

Even when sony had Z phones, they lost money already.
If they really wanted to quit, why would they wait so long?

Tons of ppl buy iPhone because it is from Apple. Not because of iOS.
Same reason famous ppl buy Beats despite quality is far behind Sony and Bose.

Tons of ppl buy Galaxy because they see Sammy logo.
Without even knowing if the phone is good or crap.

You dont see ppl buying Xperia just because Sony logo.
Why it does not happen too?

Posted: 2019-04-29 17:10:16
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