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General discussions : Rumours : New Walkman phone to be announced - W880i or W910i
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bart Posts: > 500

if SE chooses its green right, it could sell. i just hope they chose the green of their logo. maby abit mettalic look to shock people
Posted: 2006-07-08 13:50:55
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shaliron Posts: > 500

I think that the fluro colours will appeal to the youth market. Remember the PEBL?
Posted: 2006-07-09 04:40:10
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jmcomms Posts: > 500

We haven't been told or invited to anything, so I wonder how big this product will be if it comes in the next week or so?

SE will announce a few things without a big song and dance throughout the year, but they're usually not groundbreaking (like the K800 for example). Either that or the fact that there are now about 200 Walkman phones to choose from, they're starting to find it difficult to attract the journalists!
Posted: 2006-07-10 01:34:24
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bart Posts: > 500

if a company wants to attract journalist then they need to bring something special. i agree, but why on earth are the always reporters when samsung introduces something? why journalist??? fashion designers yes, but thats where it should end.
Posted: 2006-07-10 01:54:45
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shaliron Posts: > 500

Well TBH, journalists don't do much to sell phones. TV ads sell phones, and then word of mouth, like the RAZR. That's why there has to be something different with the new phones (like the green colour). In my opinion, SE needs to do something to stick out, such as promoting the red K610. Motorola does it with RAZRs, Nokia makes weird phones and LG makes the chocolate.
Posted: 2006-07-10 09:38:53
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jmcomms Posts: > 500

Well, I'm clearly biased, but journalists are deemed to be very valuable. The press, including ourselves who got the exclusive, bigged up the V3 ahead of its release - and got everyone talking about it before it went on sale.

Companies need to get the press onboard, and obviously that goes beyond the likes of our publication - to the fashion magazines, lifestyle mags, mens mags, gadget mags and perhaps the biggest coverage at all - TV and national newspapers. If you rely on advertising, it gets very expensive. Word of mouth often comes from people reading a review, thinking it's cool and passing the word on - not seeing an advert and buying solely from that. Advertising is good for brand awareness, but the media tells you what's really cool and not cool.

If they don't invite the press along, then it's probably a low-key launch and not anything for us to get massively excited about.

I might be wrong though, of course! Sometimes they don't do a launch and come and visit us with a bag of new toys to play with (!). I suspect Sony Ericsson are in a situation now where some of the press will be quite critical of another new Walkman phone. At the last launch, people were already asking if it was sustainable to have so many in such a short time.
Posted: 2006-07-10 11:52:41
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goldenface Posts: > 500

I too am beginning to believe that they seem to have taken the success of phones a bit too far.

I think they should release the W950 and let that be the last and concentrate on something else.

What happened to the poor P990i announced late 2005, originally expected to make to the shelves in March. Now expected August?!

Posted: 2006-07-10 12:11:58
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shaliron Posts: > 500

As much as SE are overusing there is certainly more to come. It seems like they want to target ALL market segments. They've got the youth with the W550/W300, the sporty with the W710, the smartphone people with the W950 etc. They still haven't got a direct competitor to the N91 and the W550 doesn't fill the mid-range well enough.

And remember market segmentation? The end of true all rounder phones, and the P990 is probably not at the forefront of their mind because it's part of some of the last allrounders, which is a shame. It was announced far too early because of leaks.And the end result of market segmentation will leave autofocus with Cybershots, decent media players with , good video with the rumoured Handycams, generics with the low to mid range, good design to fashion, smartphonephone features with the P series.
Posted: 2006-07-10 12:21:59
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goldenface Posts: > 500

the W800i, W810, W700 and w850 do a good job of filling the mid range, wouldn't you say?
Posted: 2006-07-10 12:39:17
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(An)Dante Posts: 147

In case of feature set, yes they are. In case of price range no, they aren't. The mid segment is much more price sensitive. Even the W300i has horrible price, what's far beyond the acceptable price level for such phone.

[ This Message was edited by: (An)Dante on 2006-07-10 11:44 ]
Posted: 2006-07-10 12:43:30
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