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louod Posts: 34

i just hope that Elena or p1000 is quadband or at least have the 850 band. that's the only reason why i didn't get the p990i.
Posted: 2007-01-11 20:09:24
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albero23 Posts: 95

maybe it could be named p1000 cuz it's not the first phone with 4 numbers
don't you remember z1010?

[ This Message was edited by: albero23 on 2007-01-11 20:15 ]
Posted: 2007-01-11 21:14:30
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EastCoastStar Posts: > 500

@alberta - ahh you are right. i completley forgot about the z1010!
Posted: 2007-01-11 21:15:42
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Vercetti Posts: 151

No I don't believe it, they wil never put a 3.2 mp camera in a non cybershot phone. Or they are planning to make all standard phones with 3.2 en the next cybershots with 5.0 or something.
Posted: 2007-01-11 21:29:01
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>500 Posts: > 500

On 2007-01-11 18:22:27, djsaad1 wrote:
Screw the specs, SE needs to start working on their software so that they can actually compete with the iphone. I am really hoping there will be something just as good as the iphone or better when the iphone comes out. The last thing I want is a phone that everyone has.

who says the iphone will be perfect, it might be buggy as hell or not very user friendly, it hasnt even come out yet and you are saying this, and this phone here hasnt even been announcded
but enough of iphone, its very annoying.

this phone sounds like elena, the new m600i.
Posted: 2007-01-11 22:08:00
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emanuelj Posts: > 500

Why cant SE simply make a phone whith all there technologies like Cybershot and Walkman to compete whith the iphone.

This message was posted from a K800i
Posted: 2007-01-12 00:24:54
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apolloa Posts: > 500

I think the specs sound too low for it to be the flagship new P1000. I would imagine the P1000 to have stuff like GPS and bravia screen etc.
Posted: 2007-01-12 00:30:38
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mario2004 Posts: > 500

As long as the firmware is not going the P990i's route. Lets hope SE will announce something at CeBit and release it in the second quarter. Otherwise it will be outdated before comes out (spec wise)

This message was posted from a N70-1
Posted: 2007-01-12 04:04:48
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Residentevil Posts: > 500

123 is just a place holder for a 3-digit number.
Posted: 2007-01-12 05:42:23
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shaliron Posts: > 500

The phone is not the P1000. Don't know where that came from. This sounds more like the Elena (M600 successor) to me. Here's what's been said about the phone:
Hi All.

Tonight I was participating in the meeting this thread is all about.
And guess what...
They (SE I Guess) showed us a prototype of the comming new "p1000"
For two hours we discussed bad and good things about the P990.

They asked us all about the UI,memory,qwerty, camera, size, screen, userexperience, etc etc
lets say the asked about EVERYTHING.
Then the last half an hour we were shown some kind of prototype. Groupleader said this was a pre "p1000" and asked us what we thought.

(cameras no allowed. were asked to put away our phones before meeting start)

The phone was sexy with true metalcasing and piano black stripes around screen.
NO flip instead a m600 keyboard.
3,2 megapixel cam
160mb ram
2,6 screen instead of 2,8
named SE123

both exalerated and sad.
thisb is cool but not a new P1000.

Ill be back. writing this all exalerated on the bus home and my next busstop i must go


Ok! Back from busride.....

Forgot to say we were 8 participants with different backgrounds.
We all owned a p990.

They filmed it and were listening all the time.

We were not allowed to see GUI or start the phone.
There were no protection for cameralens.
The battery now were 1250Mha instead of 950....
Still 3-way jog
Looks like a M600 with STEELCASING and black.

All participants were thinking this was hell of a sexy device but not a new p990.
More a new m600.
5 out of 8 said that a REAL qwerty keyboard is neccesary instead of the m600īs.

oooooh couldnt take photos and didnt dare to write down all info on paper......if I only had a spycam at that moment!!! Very Happy

Ill be back if If I forgot to mention something...

/Regards to all

Im a very bad drawer but if u think the m
600 with polishe steel around and with sexy black lines.
part of the back was half steel half black as I remember it.
most of casing was polished steel.
very similar to the m600 actually. but much more sleeker, sexier,also very robust.
Forgot to mention that the stylus is also still on the left sid.


We were not allowed to turn on the fullyworking prototype. There were maybe 3 dummys and one actually working.


There were noone directly from SE helding this meeting. A consult or something asking us questions on SE,s behalf.

They didnt mention anything about GUi or more tchnical stuff. They seemed more intrested about our opinion of the formfactor and look.
This is probably early prealphatestings going on....
will speak with my friend tomorrow who also participated to see if I have forgot to mention something..over and out.

Have a dayjob, its bedtime....

Michal, u are probably right. the consultguy only briefly mentioned that it had 160 mb ram. but he probably meant storage memory.

mi2ke wrote:
This must be a fake. Upgrading from 64MB to 160 even if the phone with its current firmware works just nice?! And then, how do you know that there was one real phone, no dummy which was working fully if you weren't allowed to turn it on?

because he told us that one was the real one. I hold it. u can see diffrence between dummy and real.
And under big disscussion one of the participants actually put it on. the consultguy fast as hell ran over to him and shut the phone off.
just heard the well known SE startup sound

one thing I was thinking about is that maybe this model is the new m600 or w950.
Because ther was two days those meetings occured.
both m600 and p990 was the phones to be discussing about. say that we, the p990 group got to see the m600 proto. and that SE wanted us to speak about it and tell the diffrences between m600/P990. maybe the m600 group got to see the real p990 proto? And that they discussed this vice versa. Am I "babbling" or do u guys know what I mean?


nike.stars wrote:
btw, is the keyboard layout still the same like M600i? is this 'P1000' introduced as a successor of M600i / P990i? any other details maybe?

Thank you

The keyboard is the same I think.
Its not "introduced" but say, some kind of next step uiq device for SE. Thats why me and the other persons from the two studygroups was on the survey.
The most info I have is written in earlier post in this thread.
I'll bet that this prealpha showoff will not even be released at all. SE just wanted our comments for further development.


It's Elena IMO.

A wooden spoon is a spoon made from wood. Source: Wikipedia
SE's Upcoming Phones

[ This Message was edited by: shaliron on 2007-01-12 08:01 ]
Posted: 2007-01-12 08:58:56
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