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Bonovox Posts: > 500

No LTE on the 620 no but i guess soon we shall see budget LTE phones. As for megapixels i know but i have seen better 5 meg images but am happy enough with it anyway.

Material things don't matter,but Rock n Roll does!!!!

Nokia Lumia 620
[ This Message was edited by: Sean72 on 2013-02-17 13:11 ]

Posted: 2013-02-17 14:10:00
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cu015170 Posts: > 500

This one you took is not bad at all... and a pretty good frame btw[....]mia_620/201302162320QBrot0.jpg

I dunno.. I think the 620 is going to be a hit for Nokia, but the ironic part is that they went with Microsoft so that they can fight up in the higher end segment, but it seems like they are back in mid/low range again. The 920 is nice, but when you put it next to the 5inch 1080p quadcore silliness and it looses out on specs, which for some reason is what sells phones these days.

Where the 620.. is not trying to be a high end smartphone, but it does perform very well for its price, looks good, and its built very well.
Posted: 2013-02-17 16:26:22
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Bonovox Posts: > 500

Yes you are right and thanks for the photo compliment
Posted: 2013-02-17 16:56:28
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cu015170 Posts: > 500

For some reason the 620 excites me more than the 920

anyway, just read that you might be able to use nokia's BP4L battery in the 620, which is 1500 mAh instead of 1300. Worth looking into..

^ scratch that.. it doesn't fit
[ This Message was edited by: cu015170 on 2013-02-17 16:20 ]

Posted: 2013-02-17 17:17:02
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Bonovox Posts: > 500

Wow really?? That would be ace. Yes this phone is very likable and cute
Posted: 2013-02-17 17:21:00
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cu015170 Posts: > 500[....]-the-flagship-nokia-lumia-620/

Great article.. the same exact theory can be applied to almost all Symbian 10.0 smartphones
Posted: 2013-02-17 17:26:20
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hihihans Posts: > 500

I liked 820 over 920 but this 620 probably suits me more. I wonder what 720 will be like
Posted: 2013-02-17 19:44:00
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hihihans Posts: > 500

Quote:The Lumia 720 will have 4.3inch CBD, 1Ghz Dual-core, 512Mb RAM, 8GB storage, HSPA+, WP8, microSD, 6MP camera and 2MP front camera, while the Lumia 520 will have 4 inch Super Sensitive screen, 1Ghz Dual-core, 512Mb RAM, 8GB storage, microSD, WP8, 5MP with no front camera
If this is real I might go for 520
Posted: 2013-02-17 19:58:00
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Bonovox Posts: > 500

Why not whatever makes you happy Nokia has got the right idea with their cheaper options. Good decent quality at an affordable price that will be mass market. That was an interesting article,& I do see that in todays market people do want an affordable but quality device. All today I see is as soon as a top smartphone comes down in price it is snapped up. Which leads me to believe most cannot afford the top end ones. The pre pay market is bigger than contract
[ This Message was edited by: Sean72 on 2013-02-17 20:02 ]

Posted: 2013-02-17 20:53:01
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cu015170 Posts: > 500

if you want to try wp .. the 620 is the way to go for sure.. unless you can get an unlocked 920 at the same price, but that is almost impossible.

I can't wait for the congress in Barca.. I really hope for Nokia's sake that they have something substantial to show, otherwise I can't really see them making it out as an independent company.
Posted: 2013-02-19 04:02:10
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